Do You Want to Write 12 Picture Books in 12 Months? | Learn More!

Featured Author Hope Lim Jan 2021

12 x 12 January Featured Author – Hope Lim

Hope Lim 400x400My writerly life is in constant flux. I am always learning, observing, thinking, reading, and my writing is always changing. I have noticed, however, that my writing process is deliberate, and I have gained three habits from my life as a writer. They characterize me and impact how I spend my day, interact with others, and of course, put words to paper.

First, reflection.

Reflecting on my life and experiences while I write started with two picture books: WAITING FOR MAMA, a Korean-English bilingual book and THE LITTLE HOUSE by Virginia Lee Burton.

As a child, I would often walk to the local bus stop and wait for my mother. I still have vivid images of her getting up from her seat when the bus neared the station. Inside, the bus was lit up so I could see her face, hardened from fatigue, but she couldn’t see me. The moment she spotted me, her face brightened momentarily before she expressed her worry about me waiting alone at night. As I read WAITING FOR MAMA, this memory came alive, taking me back to the many evenings I waited at a bus stop in Korea.

I AM A BIRD by Hope LimSimilarly, THE LITTLE HOUSE reminded me of my childhood home and its surroundings, which changed dramatically from rice fields and mountains to a city of tall buildings. The book brought a nostalgia for things gone with the passing of time. For the first time in my life, I discovered and experienced the power of picture books that transcends language, time, and place.

With each and every story, I reflect on many parts of my life as well as everyday occurrences. This habit of reflection helps me connect my stories to my real life.

Second, imagination.

As a child, I spent countless hours daydreaming. I would daydream sitting atop mountains gazing at floating white clouds. I spent many afternoons imagining the worlds from the books I was reading. My mom filled a tall bookcase with books from around the world and I remember reading them, imagining the far-away places in the stories. Now, as a writer, I imagine places not only from the books, but from many things I see in my daily life.

I stop at tiny green shoots growing around a manhole cover and imagine their story of strength and resilience. In the back of my mind, I hope it will become a seed for a new story. When I spot bare branches reaching to the sky at dusk, I imagine them whispering to the sky about what they saw or overheard. There are many countless examples, and my mind is more alert than ever observing and imagining the many possible untold stories of the day.

I AM A BIRD_1 by Hope Lim

Third, finding meaning.

I have always believed that the universe conspires for me and what I want, an influence from reading Paulo Coehlo’s The Alchemist decades ago. I used to question my purpose in the world and knew I wanted to make a difference. I spotted signs or omens in mundane things, thinking that they held some higher meaning. As a writer, I now realize that I was trying to find meaning in ordinary things and turn them into something special and worthy of storytelling. While I admit I sometimes read too much into words or situations, my habit of finding meaning has revealed the beauty in the mundane things of my everyday life.

Being a writer is a privilege and allows me to reflect, imagine, and search for meaning in my everyday life.

I AM A BIRD_2 by Hope Lim

Hope Lim is a children’s book author from South Korea who now lives in San Francisco with her family. She majored in English Literature and earned a Master’s degree in Conference Interpretation. Her debut book, I AM A BIRD, will be released by Candlewick on February 2, 2021. Her debut will be followed by MY TREE by Neal Porter Books/Holiday House on May 4, 2021.

Hope will be giving away a copy of I AM A BIRD to one lucky 12 x 12 member during the January check-in! Get those first drafts of the new year written!

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445 Responses

    1. Hope, your beautiful words “… branches whisper to the sky about what they saw …” shows the heart in your writing. Thank you so much for sharing your three writing habits.

  1. What an inspiring post. I too loved The Little House. Your memory of your mom’s face lighting up when she saw you is so poignant I am going to start looking more! Thank you.

  2. A perfect post to begin the year! Reflection, imagination and finding meaning are definitely ways to make our writing richer–and the world a better place. I loved the memory you have about your mother’s face as she exited the bus and saw you waiting–so beautiful!

  3. What a soulful and inspired post, Hope. Thank you for it. I am so looking forward to both of your books.

  4. Your post is uplifting and inspiring. Looking forward to reading your debut book. Thank you for being with us this month.

  5. Hope, thank you for sharing how you are inspired by your life experiences, stories you read and how everyday sights and sounds and the world around you gives you ideas to spur your writing. Ideas are all around us if we are open to them.

  6. Thank you for sharing your story and your writing process. We can apply them to our own writing so easily! I love your inspiring ideas! Looking forward to reading your books.

  7. Hope,
    i love how your books are connected with your experience as a child. I look forward to reading them.

  8. Thank you for sharing your habits, Hope. I find them so meaningful and enjoyed learning about them even more through your examples. Congratulations on your forthcoming books!

  9. Wonderful post, Hope! I’m going to try to consciously apply these three habits in my writing life!

  10. Thanks for sharing. I love finding inspiration in nature, especially the small things that people don’t see unless they look for them. Congratulations on your debut.

  11. Beautiful inspiration for the new year! So thrilled for you, Hope, and honored to be one of your critique partners. Wishing you good health & much success in 2021!

  12. Lovely imagery.
    Love looking for the connections in things when I stop to do it. I love to make it part of my daily inspiration of life. Congratulations on your new book.

  13. Thanks for sharing your three main inspirations for when you write. I’d like to add Hope, as your name is also an inspiration to write and can spark new ideas. Congrats on your books coming out, too:>

  14. Reading this was like a nice repose into your imagination, into your way of seeing. It was magical. Congratulations on your debut!

  15. Great tips! i loved reading your reflections about your life and how those memories and experiences have impacted and inspired your writing. Thanks for sharing with us. Best wishes!

  16. Reflection, imagination, and meaning. All perfect ways to cull ideas. Thanks for sharing, Hope! A beautiful name!

  17. Congratulations Hope! Thank you for sharing your tips on reflection, imagination, and meaning. Our childhoods are our best source of feeding our creativity.

  18. Thank you for your journey. You find inspiration in the ordinary things of life and make them have meaning and magic. I love that journey too.

  19. Hi Hope, Finding meaning in the small things and moments is a great reminder especially in these challenging times, and then turning them into something creative and long-lasting.

  20. This post is so beautifully written, Hope! I’ll be saving it to read again! I’ve had the privilege of reading I AM A BIRD, and after reading this post I have doubled my appreciation for it! It’s wonderful!

  21. Thank you, Hope, for such an inspiring post! What a good reminder to reflect back on our childhoods and then allow our imaginations to grow stories from those seeds. Excited to read your books as they come out this year! Congratulations!

  22. Congratulations, Hope! I love your three things: reflection, imagination and finding meaning. I found when I started writing I needed to slow down and pay attention (reflection), tap into my inner child (imagination), and look for a purpose in the writing that was beyond basics- what was the meaning behind my story? Thank you for your post!

  23. Hope, vivid pictures came to my mind as I read your lovely words. Thank you for reminding me of childhood experiences and the wealth of stories hidden in those personal experiences.

    This year, I feel like I am on a treasure hunt with the writers in this safe community.

    Congratulations on your writing success!

  24. I love what you said about finding meaning in the ordinary and how that connects to you as a writer. Congratulations!

  25. Life without reflection is lacking. Thank you for the lovely post that reminds me to stop and reflect.

  26. Life is so much richer when you see everything as inspiration. I felt this in high school when I was always on the lookout for supplies for my mixed media artwork, but have somehow lost the feeling along the way. Thank you for the reminder!

  27. Wow, just your writing about how you think about writing is beautiful! Can’t wait to read your work!

  28. Hope, what a great post. A long-time critique partner, I can’t wait to see these two books fly out into the world. Reflection, imagination, finding meaning definitely sum up your writing. Congrats again!

  29. Hope, what a wonderful post! I’ll be looking at my world with more intention – so much to see – so much to learn. Thanks for the change you’ve made in my observing of life.

  30. Hello, Hope. Congratulations on your debut book, I AM A BIRD with Candlewick, and MY TREE with Neal Porter Books at Holiday House. I’m looking forward to reading them. I love hearing about your habit of finding meaning in everyday occurrences that the universe is conspiring on your behalf. Thank you so much for sharing your journey and your thoughts with all of us!

  31. Lovely thoughts to share as we start 2021! If anyone else is looking for the Waiting for Mama book, the author is Lee Tae-Jun (in case you, like I, am searching for the book at my local library, etc.)

  32. Thank you for your inspirational words. I’m going to try and look around at the mundane and take experiences from it.

  33. “I stop at tiny green shoots growing around a manhole cover and imagine their story of strength and resilience. In the back of my mind, I hope it will become a seed for a new story. When I spot bare branches reaching to the sky at dusk, I imagine them whispering to the sky about what they saw or overheard. There are many countless examples, and my mind is more alert than ever observing and imagining the many possible untold stories of the day.” I love this, seeing story ideas in everyday details of nature. Thank you for sharing what inspires you.

  34. Such useful insights, Hope. Reflect, imagine and find meaning…who couldn’t benefit from that? Thanks so much for sharing!

  35. Beautifully said! I want to work harder on using my imagination more throughout the day and seeing the wonder and the story hidden all around us. Thanks for the inspiration!

  36. Your post is inspiring. Thank you. I read and reread your “finding meaning” section. That resonated so much. I too enjoy that everyday search. Also congratulations on your upcoming books! So beautiful. Cannot wait to read!!

  37. Your explanation about reflecting on the everyday observations you make and how they expand your imagination got me thinking about how I reflect on my own observations. It’s a great look into how you develop your stories.

  38. There is beauty in the everyday and it looks like you’ve captured it. Thank you for sharing your perspective. I look forward to reading your work.

  39. Hope – Congratulations on your upcoming releases! I’m excited to read your work! You inspire me to become reacquainted with my imagination and finding meaning in hidden beauty, especially during these uncertain times. :0)

  40. I love this line “Being a writer is a privilege and allows me to reflect, imagine, and search for meaning in my everyday life.” Thank you for sharing!

  41. Congratulations Hope on your upcoming releases, that’s so exciting!
    I have been told many times that writing from my own childhood limits a manuscript’s appeal but feel that many of the experiences and emotions are universal.
    The fact that you specify that you draw on your own experiences and imagination, really helps me to gain confidence in my own creative flow and voice as I reach back to my own childhood.
    I’m really looking forward to learning so much more from people such as yourself and draw on information gathered to further improve my writing.

  42. Thank you for this inspirational post! This year I want to reflect, use my imagination, and find more meaning in the world around me. I think the universe truly does conspire in our favor to help us achieve our dreams. Congrats on your upcoming releases! How absolutely wonderful!!

  43. What an inspiring post.
    Your books sound wonderful.
    We should all learn to see the beauty in the mundane things of everyday life.

    1. Congratulations on your books Hope! You have an exquisites way of bringing life to the everyday life around us that most of us take for granted – tiny shoots, branches … Looking forward to reading your PBs!

  44. Your observations of the world around you and the potential each new shoot has for a story – what a great way of looking at the world. Thank you for sharing and best of luck with the book.

  45. Wow! Your meaningful words and wistful pictures drew me in. I don’t think I’ve ever ached for a picture book on 12 X 12 quite so much. I want to take the journey with you and feel the ordinary become extraordinary.

  46. I love your reference to Paulo Coehlo’s The Alchemist. That book made me think about “the universe” in new ways for a very long time. Good that you remind us of his words. “Finding meaning in ordinary things…”

  47. Hope, thank you so much for sharing your insights. Your writing steps are as important for the creative process as they are for experiencing life and forging resiliency. Thank you for this reminder.

  48. Hope, thank you for sharing your method of reflecting, imagining, and finding meaning to come up with stories. I AM A BIRD looks like a lovely story and I look forward to reading it.

  49. I can relate so much with looking for signs in everything. It’s so great to hear an author’s process and the connections of inspiration found to write your current piece. What a delight to learn from you and this wonderful community. 🙂 Thank you for sharing your story!

  50. Congratulations on your two back-to-back releases! Enjoyed reading your uplifting post and cannot wait to read your books.

  51. Congratulations, Hope. Reflection, Imagination, and finding Meaning have shaped your stories. Your books sound heart warming and I’d love to read them. Thank you for sharing.

  52. Thank you Hope for your inspiring post! Love the idea of finding meaning in the mundane. How cool that your mom filled a bookcase with books from all over the world- what great exposure!. Congratulations on I am a Bird! Looks beautiful.

  53. Beautiful post, Hope. I loved getting insight into how you find your stories and found myself thinking of similar moments that sparked ideas for me too. I’m looking forward to your books!

  54. Thank you, Hope, for a beautiful and inspiring post on the place of reflection, imagination and meaning-making in a writer’s life. I can’t wait to read your books! As a teacher and a writer, it makes me so happy that your “mom filled a tall bookcase with books from around the world and I remember reading them, imagining the far-away places in the stories. ” Such a beautiful reminder of the legacy of stories.

  55. Your words gave us a lot to think about. Your recollections of your mother are really touching and have inspired me to think back over my childhood. Thank you

  56. The Little House is a book that I am currently studying. Your story I Am a Bird sounds so heartwarming!

  57. Congratulations Kim! You probably feel like a million dollars – one for every kid who should read your book! It’s a wonderful addition to an international library, or one just starting out.

  58. I’m not sure I’d ever considered the extent to which reading children’s books affected how I observe the world. I knew it allowed me to see possibilities beyond my circumstances, but after reading this, I realize it also makes me focus on the wonder and visual details of my experiences. I’m going to be thinking about that for a long while. Thank you, Hope!

  59. Well Happy (early) Book Birthday! I am so excited for you and love that you were able to articulate the beauty of being able to capture the wonder of every day moment. I look forward to reading I AM A BIRD!

  60. Hope,
    I feel I can relate to everything you have said, only you have been more successful translating that into your stories. I will continue to persevere as I cannot stop imagining, reflecting and trying to find meaning in our existence. Thank you for sharing your wisdom and the wonderful stories you have written.

  61. Wonderful! I believe the Universe conspires in my favor as well. When reading that this happened for you after reading tghe Alchemist I had to stop and think….”is that when it happened for me.?”😃

  62. Such inspirational comments. Every day when we learn something new it keeps us writing more. Thanks, Hope

  63. What a beautiful post, thank you for sharing! And your new book sounds so lovely. I can’t wait to read it!

  64. Thank you for sharing your writing process. It’s also a wonderful way to go through your day, finding meaning in every day things.

  65. Beautiful, heartfelt post! Feels like coming home when I read posts like this. Gratitude from a lifelong reflector and meaning-maker and aspiring author. 🙂

  66. Hope, I was so inspired by your post and can’t wait to read I AM BIRD to my students! Paulo Coelho’s THE ALCHEMIST is one of my favorites and my two (yes two) copies are filled with tabs and highlighted lines:) Finding beauty in the ordinary fills my heart – finding the right words to express it is so much more difficult. Thank you for your beautiful contributions to children’s literature!

  67. Congratulations, Hope! So true that the universe conspires for us and what we want. Loved your post and your inspirational words!

  68. Thank you so much for this. Over quarantine I have taken up walking and contemplative photography. One of my favorite photographs is of a manhole cover that says water. Around the edge of the manhole cover beautiful weeds are growing. I have found such an inspiration on these walks.

  69. What a lovely journey into both your childhood and your picture books. I look forward to reading I am a Bird!

  70. Your description of waiting for your mother at the bus stop brought back my memory of sitting next to my father on his tractor as he plowed his fields. We spent hours out there, and it seemed so important tome to “help” him with that hard work. Great article!

  71. Thank you, Hope! Reflection, imagination, and finding meaning are so close to my own mantra “Pause. Ponder. Reflect.” It’s inspiring that you encourage us to take these to our writing. I Am Bird will be a wonderful, side-by-side, shoulder-to-shoulder, in-the-lap picture book to share with the children I love!

  72. Hope, what a lovely post! I appreciate so much what you’re saying about the universe conspiring with us, and about the role of reflection, imagination and meaning making in your writing. Thank you for such a thoughtful post.

  73. Congratulations and I love that you “write what you know”, but don’t leave it at that – you put in your imagination. Virginia Lee Burton is my absolute favorite!

  74. I so identified with your childhood memory of watching your mom’s face brighten when she first saw you and how her expression quickly changed to worry.

  75. Hope, you have captured the little moments of life with such eloquence…I can’t read to read I Am Bird. Thank you for sharing!

  76. I’ve posted your three habits on my office inspiration board – reflect, imagination, find meaning… love!

  77. I love the reminder to reflect on and capture those powerful moments from our own childhoods. I can’t wait to read your book. Thanks for sharing!

  78. A beautiful post, thank you Hope! Congratulations on your debut book and second book. I look forward to reading both of these!

  79. Seeing your mother’s face change from tired to excited to worried – makes me think of my own mother, and possibly my face looking at my own children. Thank you.

  80. Hope,
    Thank you for sharing some of your precious memories that inspired and inspire your writing. I find inspiration from every-day events as well, and so want to make a difference! I teach special needs, and I’ve had this book in my head for many years. I started writing it yesterday. I look forward to getting a copy of your book for my class library. :o)
    Kelly Perkins

  81. Thank you for sharing your childhood memories and for this beautiful post. I really look forward to reading I AM A BIRD and congratulations on MY TREE.

  82. Hope, thank you for sharing your writing process. Our childhoods do influence our thoughts, behaviors, and writing but I personally have never given it that much attention. I am going to try even harder to use these techniques-refection, imagination, and meaning. Finding meaning is even more important now than ever. Thanks again.

  83. So glad that the January check-in reminded me to come and read your post. Love how you have been able to draw both from reflection and imagination. I also loved The Alchemist — feels like it might be time for a re-reading of that one!

  84. Your post reminded me of how much time I spent outside and hours talking and making up stories with the shapes we saw in the clouds. Thank you.

  85. Your post reminded me of how much time I spent outside and hours making up stories with the shapes we saw in the clouds. Thank you.

  86. Thank for for the reminder to be observant everywhere I go and with everything I do, and to look at my past for experiences that were meaningful and that could be written as a picture book. I look forward to reading your books.

  87. The teacher of a college class on picturebooks encouraged us to practice “close looking,” not only of picturebooks but also of the world around us. It sounds like this is something you, do, too!

  88. This inspires me to continue writing. Thank you for sharing. I can relate to what you said and experienced.

  89. A memorable featured author post.

    An ability as a writer to reach people, children, has the potential to inspire.

  90. So much of writing is prewriting. Hope, thank you for your insights and reminder of being mindful and present in the moment.

  91. Everything we need to know we learned through our journey. ❤ Thanks for sharing part of your personal journey, Hope.

  92. This is beautiful. I especially resonated with the imagination piece and finding the story in the mundane. Thank you for sharing your writing process and highlighting that writing isn’t just sitting at your desk punching the keys, but the way you approach the world and everyday life.

  93. Reflection, Imagination and Finding Meaning, such eloquently thought-out descriptions of the way life feels more and more magical to me as time continues forward. Thank you for a picture book that captures the connection we can all feel to the world around us.

  94. It is always interesting when the same book is the catalyst for inspiration. THE LITTLE HOUSE was my favorite as a child, and inspired me to write when I was super little. I have handmade books that I made as a kid trying to make my version on The Little House. I love that we have that book in common. Thanks for your inspiration now too!

  95. When receiving rejection letters I often wonder why I write. Thank you for putting it into words. “Being a writer is a privilege and allows me to reflect, imagine, and search for meaning in my everyday life.”

  96. Thank you for sharing! The world has so much magic when you stop to notice it in the mundane. I really loved your description of waiting for your mom at the bus stop. I look forward to reading your book!

  97. Hope, what a wonderful story! I think the most impactful stories come from our own experiences! Thank you for sharing.

  98. I always wonder at the fact that every person has their own individual story, and I’m frustrated that I can’t know them all. I’d better not add in the stories of the tress, or I’ll drive myself crazy.

  99. This makes me remember what it felt like writing about my childhood. It feels so great to get down to basics and write from the child’s point of view, noticing the little things. I like to say, “little people notice little things.” 🙂

  100. Thank you for this post. At the root of each habit is that word you used at the very beginning–observe. Observation of the world around you, of yourself, of your relationship to it, and of change. Your process leads me to hope that in addition to writing what look like fun, fabulous picture books, you’re working on a memoir, too.

  101. Lovely reading brought inspiration. I found some similarities in how ideas come to me. Life reflection is such a great motivator, as is motherhood and seeing the world view through a child’s eyes — this can really nudge the heart. Huge congratulations on your debut book, I AM A BIRD.

  102. This is so close to my heart. As an immigrant, I too have memories from lands so different than the one I live in. It seems you appreciate things differently from the perspective of time. That reflects into my writing too.

  103. Hope,
    I love reading your vivid imagination for your writing. I also get my inspiration from my childhood. Love the storyline and illustrations to I Am A Bird. Thank you for your authenticity.

  104. What a wonderful way to look at the world. In the past I looked at everything as if I could make a painting of anything I see. Now I have added that everything is also a story. Congratulations on your books debuts.

  105. Thank you Hope for posting this lovely article about your writing and inspirations. Finding treasures in memories and quiet observation makes for wonderful writing. I look forward to reading your books.

  106. Such beautiful words to start the day with. Thank you so much for sharing this with us. I cannot wait to receive your book!

  107. I love the idea of finding meaning in ordinary things. Such inspiration surrounds us. New discoveries are everywhere. I look forward to reading your books. Thank you!

  108. Thank you for your post Hope, and congratulations on having two books coming out in such a short time. I’m very happy for you! I love the idea of looking for meaning for the purpose of storytelling. I enjoyed the examples you shared. I also read the Alchemist many years ago and was influenced by it.

    What you wrote about waiting for your mom at the bus stop, and the book Waiting For Mama was very poignant.

    You have a beautiful way with words, and I look forward to reading your books😊

  109. Thank you so much for sharing your experiences and process! What a great way to start the 12×12 year!

  110. You are a kindred spirit, Hope. Thank you for finding meaning and sharing it with others. Way to go on your book releases!

  111. I can feel the gentleness through the words and illustrations shown. Just perfect for the world’s children of today! I pray you are met with much success!

  112. Thank you for this. I was always so imaginative and inquisitive as a child, which I also think led me to a career in writing, but it’s something I forget to nurture all the time. Thanks for the reminder.

  113. Hope, I love the story and illustrations of your book. There is something so sweet about the simplicity and colors and it brings to mind a happy childhood. Thank you for a beautiful book.

  114. Thank you for such a thoughtful post. I relate to creating stories by reflecting on our real lives. And I love the image of your mom’s face transforming at the site of you!

  115. Thank you so much. It is great to be reminded – reflection/imagination. Also, about the universe always conspires to give me what I want. I need to be reminded of that, often! I have plenty of evidence, all the time, and yet I still need to be reminded. Your reminder was like drinking a glass of fresh, clean water for me.
    Thank you, so much.

  116. This is my favorite line: “Being a writer is a privilege and allows me to reflect, imagine, and search for meaning in my everyday life.”

    So inspiring! Thank you, Hope! Beautiful book and beautiful thoughts.

  117. Hope, this is such a great post. Reflection, imagination and meaning…likewise, I see meaning sometimes in places that I may be reading into, but sometimes the coincidences are so strong and significant, how can I not stop and listen? This post resonates so much.

  118. Thank you for sharing this wonderful post. I find myself writing about things I experienced in my childhood, and even things I experience now but reimagined for the PB audience. I look into everything – maybe to a fault! 🙂

  119. This was such a delight to read, Hope! It’s a beautiful reminder that we are blessed, as writers: “Being a writer is a privilege and allows me to reflect, imagine, and search for meaning in my everyday life.” I am just going to print these words and hang them at my desk.

  120. What an inspiring post. It reminds me that I am not alone in this writing journey and in how I look at the world. The observation part of your imagination description really resonated with me. Thanks for posting this.

  121. I really connected with your imaginative thinking. I have a memory of playing children lost at sea as a child. We use a green afghan spread out on the living room floor. I remember my feel getting wet. There’s no way they did, but it shows the imagination of a child that I keep trying to reconnect with. All the best in your writing.

  122. Hope -your story is beautiful and really made me think back to times with my own mother and her coming home from long days at work, thank you for reminding me of these times.

  123. Reflect and observe. The internal dialogue of a writer – I love your piece about your process. I connect and agree that the universe is working for us. We just have to stay still enough to feel it. Thank you!

  124. Hope, I loved your comment that it is a privilege to be a writer. So true. I enjoyed learning how you used everyday events to morph into beautiful picture books. Wishing you success as you move forward, observing and reflecting.

  125. I love the way you calmly let your experiences and surroundings speak to and inspire you in your writing. Congratulations on your debut book. I look forward to reading it!

  126. I love that you find meaning in everyday things. Equals=Write what you know! Thank you for your insightful post.

  127. I love this…thank you for sharing! Writing can really bring such meaning and purpose into our lives but it’s incredibly challenging too! Can’t wait to read your books!

  128. I love the notion of reflecting, imagining and finding the personal meaning in our stories. Can’t wait to read your books, Hope!

  129. Being more intentional about reflecting was a good reminder for me to find a balance between letting my mind wander, but also guiding my thoughts and mining them for deeper insight. Thank you.

  130. Thank you, Hope, for reminding us of the importance of detailed observation to our writing. Congratulations on your exciting news of TWO new PBs in 2121!

  131. I meant congratulations on your 2 PB releases in 2021!! Yes, observation of details is important for proofreading before posting!

  132. I used to get in trouble for being a space cadet, but now I treasure the ability to have such a strong imagination. Thanks for this reminder that we should be encouraging this in our kids!

  133. Thank you, Hope, for sharing your 3 habits with us. I am so happy you have two books coming out this year! Congrats!!

  134. What a beautiful post, Hope. How amazing that you are able to capture meaning in the every day, and turn experiences and memories into stories. I look forward to reading your upcoming books!

  135. I agree that writing often allows me to reflect on my past, present and future, even unintentionally. I think just the act of slowing down and being with one’s thoughts helps you digest the world around you. Thank you for your post!

  136. What wonderful advice for writing, but also for a life well lived! It reminds me of the Mary Oliver quote:

    “Instructions for living a life. Pay attention. Be astonished. Tell about it.”

    I too can find myself reading “too much” into things. What inspiration to know that you manage to turn it into something creative!

  137. What a lovely post—thank you for sharing! I do believe the universe conspires to move us toward our deepest goals once we take the first steps. Looking forward to your upcoming books!

  138. Love the simplicity of these three words and the relevance they can bring to our stories. Thanks so much for sharing them with us! Your book looks delightful. Congratulations!

  139. Signs and omens! YES!
    And the spread of bird-child and the older woman joined in awareness and separated by a hedge? Made the hair on my arms stand up! Such a thrilling idea!

  140. Thank you for your lovely post, Hope. I have been a cloud spotter and tree whisperer since way back, so I feel like we are kindred spirits. I look forward to reading your books.

  141. While we’re reminded that we are in flux, growing in our storytelling craft, Reflection, Imagination and Finding Meaning are good foundations in all that we do creatively. Thanks for this! It can help me feel more grounded as I embrace uncertainty and grow in my craft.

  142. A lovely post, Hope. I am jealous that you can remember specific aspects of your childhood. I may have to undergo hypnosis to remember mine. Look forward to reading your two books.

  143. I love your three ways to help find stories. Reflection, imagination, and finding meaning can bring so much to our stories. Thanks!

  144. Thank you, Hope. This was beautiful – I think all writers look for signs, maybe because we are so often interested in connections from the most miniscule to the transcendent.

  145. Thank you Hope for your lovely post. Your serenity comes through your words, I am sitting here feeling the calm from reading. And I bet your books convey more of the same, I am looking forward to reading them!

  146. Thank you for this post. I brought back memories of all the hours I spent when I was younger, just lying on my back in the sun, looking at clouds and blades of grass, thinking.

  147. Congratulations on your picture books, Hope. The power of your trifecta of reflection, imagination, and making meaning have come together in gifts for us all. Thank you for taking us through your process.

  148. Very inspirational, Hope. I often have conversations with natural objects and try to hear their voice! Congratulations on your new book!

  149. I love your reflections on finding beauty in every day things, since that’s often the way children’s minds think. To write to stories that we do for young readers, it helps to view the world in the context that they do- too often we can forget that! Thanks for the reminder.

  150. Thank you Hope for sharing your writing process. I loved how you thought about the story of the shoots and the branches, things we take for granted in our busy lives.
    Best wishes for your books.

  151. Thank you for sharing your process. I, too, have endless memories of things that I imagined as a child that evolved as I grew older (but never entirely went away). I suspect that’s pretty common for those driven to write. I really forward to reading I am a Bird!

  152. Thank you for sharing. This made my heart smile. I look forward to reading your books! Congratulations!

  153. Thank you, Hope, for sharing how you approach the process of writing. I recognized some similarities with how I find my ideas for stories, so I am eager to see your book.

  154. Thank you for such an inspiring post to start off our writing year. I am looking forward to reading your book.

  155. The universe speaks to me in firefly flashes. I chase them when I see their light. Sometimes I miss and sometimes I catch ’em. Such is my writer’s life. Enjoyed your post.

  156. I know that your books will inspire reflection, imagination, and meaning in your readers. Thank you for sharing your insights!

  157. Hope, your words express such joy in what you’re doing. You remind us of the reason we write. I find wisdom and inspiration in your words: “Being a writer is a privilege and allows me to reflect, imagine, and search for meaning in my everyday life.” Thank you for your authenticity and insight.

  158. Congratulations on your debut, Hope! And I look forward to read I AM A BIRD. Through this post, you just happened to reassure me a great deal – indicating that daydreaming is a healthy practice, and even useful; that reflection, imagination and finding meaning in mundane things can really lead to a beautifully creative life. Thank you and best wishes 🙂

  159. I love this distillation into three simple clear guidelines. And I love thinking of you seeing your mom on the bus. How she must have loved having you there to meet her. Thank you!

  160. Congratulations! What a wonderful reminder to “finding meaning has revealed the beauty in the mundane things of my everyday life.”

  161. Thank you Hope Lin for sharing a little bit of your writing process. I read this book a few months ago and enjoyed the young child having fun on a bike. It is very realistic and something I would do! I also loved the book the The House as a child. It was very interesting how life changes around a house.

  162. I appreciate you for sharing the three habits of reflection, imagination and searching for meaning in your writing process. It is eye opening to see how writers approach their craft

  163. What a lovely post. Sometimes I get so caught up in queries and comps , I really forget to love the process. Thanks for reminding me!

  164. Thank you for sharing Hope1 I agree – the universe does conspire! Wishing you good luck in all your endeavours in the future. 🙂

  165. Reflection, imagination and meaning … I very much appreciated what you said and how you said it – such clarity and meaning for me. Thank you – and a big fat congrats!

    1. Thank you for sharing the journey of I AM A BIRD. I can’t wait to read this beautiful book! My favorite stories to read and write are the ones that zoom in on the “small” everyday moments in life that actually often turn out to be the most significant.

  166. This resonated with me as I’ve spent so much time taking the same walk noticing tiny changes this past year during the pandemic. It’s good to feel connected with you and know you notice the tiniest changes too.
    “As a writer, I now realize that I was trying to find meaning in ordinary things and turn them into something special and worthy of storytelling. While I admit I sometimes read too much into words or situations, my habit of finding meaning has revealed the beauty in the mundane things of my everyday life.”

  167. Thank you for sharing your writing process and thoughts on your writing life. Congratulations on your debut book!

  168. Thank you so much for this post! I really like how you said, “As a writer, I now realize that I was trying to find meaning in ordinary things and turn them into something special and worthy of storytelling. While I admit I sometimes read too much into words or situations, my habit of finding meaning has revealed the beauty in the mundane things of my everyday life.” I like to find meaning in ordinary things too–like finding a feather, or a cool rock, or maybe a piece of string–there is symbolism and magic waiting to be discovered all around us.

  169. Congratulations on your debut picture book! And thank you for sharing your process and the importance of reflecting, imagining, and finding meaning in the mundane. Magic is everywhere.

  170. Hope, thank you for sharing your three habits of reflect, imagine, and find meaning. Learning about other writer’s daily habits is interesting. I like to see if I can incorporate them into my own processes. A big takeaway for me in reading this was that inspiration is all around – even buried in our past. I think when we dive deep into a memory, reflect and imagine it again, we can find the meaning within it to share that moment with the world. Congratulations on your debut birthday today! I can’t wait to read I AM A BIRD!

  171. Thank you for these important reminders: stop, reflect, notice. Without these pauses there’s no space for new ideas to poke through.

  172. Hope, Thank you for this inspiration: “finding meaning has revealed the beauty” in the every day. What an excellent way to seek story ideas, as well.

  173. Beautiful post! I love the example of Mother’s face on the bus, hardened but then instantly brightening, and then worrying again. I could just picture it and it also reminded me of my own Mother. Looking forward to reading more of your stories!

  174. I love how you describe your process of introspection and noticing the outer world around you in a mix of reflection and imagination. The writing process is similar for me, a mix of going in and getting curious about the world. Great post!

  175. Hope, Congratulations on the launching of your book into the world. I enjoyed reflecting on your post and imagining all the stories opening to me. Finding meaning…now that is the key to going on in the world,
    and it’s sometimes elusive. Thank you for sharing.

  176. What a great post, Hope!! Thank you for sharing your writing process… especially how you use reflection, imagination, and meaning in your day to day life.

    I really connected with your statement of, “When I spot bare branches reaching to the sky at dusk, I imagine them whispering to the sky about what they saw or overheard.” There is the perfect setting for an amazing PB, especially with the research that has come out about the intelligence and language of trees.

    Most of my story ideas come from nature. As someone who has been off and on crutches ever since I was 10 (10 operations on my legs in 9 years) I saw what others missed, when they hurried on by without ever slowing down to “really” see what was right there before them. As a child I learned to, as they say, “stop and smell the roses.”

    A Belated Happy Book Birthday!! I’m looking forward to reading, I AM A BIRD.

  177. What heartfelt memories from your childhood. I can picture the scene of a little girl waiting for her mama at the bus stop. How brave you were to do that all by yourself! Thank you for sharing a piece of yourself with this post. I am looking forward to reading your book!

  178. Wow, I didn’t know about conference interpretation. Love hearing about new things. Thank you for sharing your story.

  179. Hope, I admire how your habits/ rituals with writing, especially incorporating meaning. I also look for signs and omens to find purpose and clarity and look for higher meaning. I really love the idea of turning that into a story. Thank you so much for sharing your stories and your process!

  180. “When you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.” Paul Coelho
    So isn’t it better to “see” perhaps too many signs and omens that support your positive development, than to “see” the opposite, too many signs of hopelessness and despair? Whatever our minds focus on, feeds upon, whether for good or for ill creates our future.

  181. I love the concept of mining everyday, seemingly mundane things like the resiliency of grass shoots for story inspiration! Can’t wait to read both of your new books!

  182. Your last line really resonates with me. Thanks for sharing your inspiration and being an inspiration!

  183. I am always looking for the extraordinary hidden in the ordinary myself. Thank you for your beautiful words of inspiration, Hope!

  184. The world would be a happier place if everyone found beauty and meaning in everyday moments. Thank you for your thoughts.

  185. Finding meaning and beauty in what could be considered mundane… a poetic way to approach writing in all forms! Thank you for the lovely post!

  186. Great to see how life events lead up to great picture book stories. I’m always looking back at my past to see what events, turning points, embarrassing moments, failures, and successes shaped my own life in the hope that some of them will be relevant to kids today.

  187. I’m always stopping at tiny green shoots growing around a manhole cover and wonder about their stories. It’s hard not to

  188. I am in love with “I stop at tiny green shoots growing around a manhole cover and imagine their story of strength and resilience.” This speaks to the times we are in. We need to recognize the tiny green shoots of hope in our day-to-day lives and draw hope from them. Thank you for writing such a lovely book.

  189. My notebook is filled with ideas that I hope will help me and others find meaning in ordinary moments. Thank you for a truly beautiful post. 

  190. Thank you for sharing your writing/idea process. I was able to take away a few things that I had not considered before. Best of luck with your upcoming releases!

  191. Hi Hope! As a busy-brained person, I really appreciate distillations or anything where someone has put some thought into what is essential to them, or to their process. Your list of 3 (and the evocative examples!) really resonated, and I’m sitting here reading and nodding vigorously. I think as a new writer, it feels really precious to hear from someone who’s been at it for a while and to recognize shared experiences with the craft, with life, with challenges, with successes. Thank you so much for this post. 🙂

  192. Reflection, imagination, and finding meaning- simple yet profound. I’m going to try and integrate that more into my writing life and see where it takes me. Thank you for the wise words.

  193. Your thoughts are so lovely, Hope, and remind us all to “be present” in our daily lives. It begets both happiness AND inspiration for the tales we love to tell. Thank you and congrats on both of your new books.

  194. I love this book! Now that I know some of your personal background, I see some things we share and realize that is coming through in this story and speaking so strongly to me.
    Thank you for sharing!

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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).