12 Picture Books.
12 Months.
A writing challenge and the friendliest writing community on earth.

12 x 12 Members
Awards Won
Drafts Written
Books Published
THE place for picture book creators.
12 x 12 is an inclusive and supportive learning community of picture book authors and illustrators at all experience levels. You’ll get accountability, encouragement, and resources to support you in achieving your goal of writing one new picture book draft each month (or at least writing more than you would on your own).

Write More.
Write Now.
Picture book authors must be prolific. You need to develop a body of work in order to improve your craft, attract an agent, and get book deals. With 75% of members reporting they write more in the Challenge than they would on their own, 12 x 12 is a proven way to get drafts out of your head and onto the page.
Get Feedback
on YOUR Work
Queries and pitches and manuscripts, oh my! In order to grow as an author or illustrator, you need peer and professional feedback. In 12 x 12, you get both. You can post your manuscripts for feedback in the Forum and/or find critique group partners among your fellow members.
Enjoy Immersive & Instructional Webinars
12 x 12 speakers present through the lens of how their topics apply specifically to the art, craft, and business of writing and illustrating picture books. Each one digs deep and leaves members inspired, and empowered with new ways to think about their own work.
Celebrate Success at Every Level of Membership
At 12 x 12, we don’t believe in “small” successes. Each one is essential for growth. At our weekly Friday “Dance Parties,” members share successes that range from reading mentor texts, writing a few sentences, signing with an agent, launching a book, and everything in between.

12x12 Book Chats!
Every month, we celebrate members who have received awards, signed with an agent, announced a book contract, or released a new book. Join us, and we’ll celebrate YOU.

Browse Member Books
Check out our 12 x 12 Bookshop Page, where you can find all of our current members’ books.

Awards Won by Our Members
Meet Julie Hedlund,
Founder, 12 x 12
Learn what 12 x 12 is all about straight from Founder Julie Hedlund.

Ellen Ramsey
12 x 12 Featured Author
Long-time 12 x 12 member Ellen Ramsey shares what she learned about book promotion while marketing her debut picture book A BOOK FOR BEAR—including what she wishes she knew sooner. First tip? YOU’RE the best promoter of your book!
“12x12 has helped me at every step of my author journey, from learning the craft to marketing my published work. I highly recommend 12x12 to picture book creators. The community, culture, and content bring me back year after year. The return on investment comes back tenfold.”
Natasha Khan Kazi 
“If you’re looking for the most supportive writing community on the internet, you’ve found it!”
Christine Evans 
"Writing is solitary. For the most part I like that. But not for all parts. So, besides the monthly nudgings to write a new story and the inspiring/enlightening monthly webinars, 12 x 12 also provides a warm sense of community, albeit digital. So, even while I'm sitting deep in the woods of North Idaho I feel connected to a larger group of kindred creative spirits."
Bill Borders 
“My 12x12 friends are the best. I have never met a more friendly, supportive group of picture book writers anywhere!”
Karen Nespoli 
“12 x 12 helped both directly and indirectly in my agent search and in the development of my craft…I have joined every year…for the motivation, inspiration, community, education, and, eventually, the bonus opportunity to submit to agents. Ultimately, I did find my agent directly through a 12 x 12 Featured Agent submission, but even if I hadn’t, 12 x 12 has been a source of many of the ‘ingredients’ I needed to get to this point in my career.”
Heather Stigall 
“Being accountable to a friendly, supportive community has helped me to write more than I ever would on my own. I’ve also learned so much from my fellow writers and from the webinars and other educational sessions.”
Michelle Volpe-Kohler 
“I have been a member of the 12 x 12 picture book writing community since 2016. This is a safe place where you can meet other writers and illustrators and learn from writers and agents and editors…You can connect with other picture book writers in critique groups and learn from other writers in this genre. It is the best site I have found for picture book writers.”
Sheri Radovich