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12 x 12 January 2021 Check-In!

Hello, Hello, HELLO!

Welcome to the first check-in post of 2021. Ah, the bright, shiny new year – full of possibilities. It’s the busiest year of the month for me, but also my favorite writing-wise because it feels like anything can happen with my writing. As it stands, I did a TON of heavy revising this month and managed to squeeze in a new draft too. It is a very crappy draft, and might better be described as “sophisticated brainstorming,” but I got something on the page, and that’s what’s important.

Tell us your progress. Did you complete a draft and/or revision in January? Let us know in the Rafflecopter and in the comments. January Featured Author Hope Lim is offering a copy of her book I AM BIRD to one lucky 12 x 12 check-in winner!

I AM A BIRD by Hope Lim

Thank you, Hope!

Here is what you need to do to check in for a chance to win:

  1. See the Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post that says “I AM BIRD by Hope Lim” at the top.
  2. Click on the “Comment on Hope’s post” button. Commenting on Hope’s post is mandatory for this giveaway and you can enter the Rafflecopter even if you didn’t write a draft this month. Click ENTER.
  3. If you haven’t commented on Hope’s post yet, go to the post here to comment. Then come back here to enter the Rafflecopter.  (Commenting won’t enter you in the drawing automatically, you have enter the Rafflecopter by following step 2.)
  4. Click on the “Wrote a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you completed a PB draft in January. If you did, click ENTER, if not, click cancel and move on to the next step.
  5. Click on the last “Revised a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you revised a PB in January. If you did, click ENTER. If not, click cancel.
  6. That’s it! There is no overall submit button or email confirmation. Rafflecopter will track your points. (The top of the Rafflecopter will say X/3 with X being the number of entries you currently have in the drawing.)

Here’s a video tutorial on the forum to walk you through these steps as well. Click here for the  monthly check-in tutorial.

You have until midnight Eastern on February 5th to enter your results. Rafflecopter will draw a winner and it will be announced on the blog on February 6th.

Remember, badges are not awarded automatically and must requested in the forum. Click here to request your January badge on the forum.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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136 Responses

  1. January started out like an amazing, jump off the blocks race. I had so much productivity. Wrote two drafts, revised two manuscripts, and started getting ready for a year of submitting queries. Did Storystorm. Wrote over 5000 words (was shooting for 10K–oh well). I hope to keep on running this marathon.

  2. I did a draft and a revision and a second ( crappy! Draft) that needs a ton of work but at least it’s down on paper

    Did Storystorm and worked in pitches for February PBPitch

  3. I completed two drafts in January. I am taking a course called Novel Writing Magic and am part of a new 12 x 12 critique group. This has greatly helped inspire my writing.

  4. I think my January draft could also be described as sophisticated brain storming – I love that phrase. But, like you say, I’ve got something on the page that is ripe for revision! Storystorm has kept me going this month too (that’s where my new story idea hailed from), and I got a couple of stories revised and ready for critique, which pleased me enormously! Onto February … let’s keep this train moving!

  5. January was amazing! Finished my first draft of a book, and began another draft of something whimsical. Looking forward to writing more than ever before. Thanks 12×12 team and members, you guys rock

  6. I completed 3 new drafts and revised 1. I feel like I’m off to a good start and I’m excited to see where 12×12 takes me this year!

  7. I finally wrote a new draft and I’m hoping that means I’ve wrangled myself out of the new draft writing slump I’ve been in for the last few months. Yahoo!

  8. I completed a draft, revised a different draft and participated in a critique group. Just having this accountability (and hearing about other creativity challenges, attending the webinar, etc) has really motivated me and made this journey more interactive.

  9. I dove in the deep end, signed up for the CBA Craft of Writing PB Course, finished one first draft, and have revised it several times! Love this writing community!

  10. I have revised 5 drafts and created 1 new draft. I’m so glad I joined 12×12 this year! Thanks again for creating this. 🙂

  11. This is a busy month with Storystorm and 12 x 12 but got my first draft done and came up with 30 new ideas and revised two manuscripts.

  12. Glad to be back in the 12×12 fold! (That’s my writing pun for the day.) I came up with some new ideas in the 2021 Storystorm and developed a first draft of one in 12×12 in January 2021. Looking forward to a successful year for all!

  13. I completed my January book and have shared with member in critique group. I will keep revising, as I really develop my characters more fully (especially because the next book, and hopefully many after, are with the same characters.)

    I have started on my February book as well :o)
    I love how 12×12 has brought me back to writing again, it has been awhile.
    Kelly P

  14. I did one draft….many times!! I did Story Storm and didn’t miss a day! Might still get some revising in today! Thanks Julie. I think I had commented on Hope’s page, but the one that comes up in the link is Dec.

  15. I wrote a draft based on a play on words, which when revised, morphed into a modern day story about the Farmer in the Dell. I revised several other stories as well, so it was truly a productive month!

  16. I’m off to a positive start in 2021! I put my BIC and wrote a humble draft. I took two of my mss out of moth balls and revised. I’m determined to keep me accountable 🙂

  17. January is off to a good start! I wrote a new draft, revised it, and researched two different ideas for nonfiction picture books.

    And I love the phrase “sophisticated brainstorming”!

  18. After so long in exclusively writing for adults, I am so happy to have completed a PB draft this month! I have MISSED kidlit hard, even though I’ve loved my time writing cozy mystery. I am so pleased to have picture books back in my writing life. With a 3 year old and a 5 year old, they’ve already been in my reading life!

  19. Sadly not as much time as I wanted, but squeaked out one very rough draft, one revision (still revising!) and absolutely loved the feature artist article. 🙂

  20. January 2021 feels like a new beginning. Cover for my new book revealed, revised four manuscripts,wrote two new manuscripts and generated 44 1/2 new ideas through storystorm. Onward with submissions!

  21. Revised an old draft…felt good getting back to writing. Also submitted a full manuscript to 12×12 Forum. Stepping out with Baby Pumpkin-Bucket is scary but exciting as well to get feedback. Hope Lim’s inspiration is delightful.

  22. I just got my draft manuscript done at the buzzer today! Whew! Gonna get an earlier start for the February one! Thanks for the kick in the pants!

  23. I loved the end of 2020 and start of 2021 with the 12 Days 4 Writers. That was such a gift of focus, reflection, and vision. Then adding to that Storystorm in January and taking several PB courses, I feel FULL kicking off 2021 (in a good way). I had an abundant month of ideas, for which I’m grateful, and enjoyed writing FIVE drafts. I can’t believe it. I usually squeeze out a draft in the final hours of the month, and I wrote my first draft very early in the month and then found bits of time and unexpected inspiration to write more. 12×12 continues to be my anchor, even with my hands in other pockets of the writing community. I’m grateful for all that 12×12 is and the community it brings!

  24. I did a rough draft and a revision and Storystorm. Feeling pretty proud of my January commitment and thankful for challenges that help inspire my writing (well, help kick my butt into gear too:)

  25. Celebrating a strong January – three new manuscripts and two revisions! Storystorm has been inspirational and I will certainly miss the daily emails that helped me stay focused!

  26. This was my first year doing storystorm and 12×12. I think they work so well together. I was able to use one of my earlier ideas to turn into my January draft and revision (a much cleaner copy at this stage than usual, so that is exciting). I posted a couple of my existing drafts to the forum and received lots of valuable feedback, including being critiqued by a NINJA! (I learned SO, SO much!!!). I am on creative fire! So grateful for this program.

  27. January was a great month. I wrote and revised two new books. One went through multiple revisions. I also revised/expanded a story for which I won a Twitter contest. I’m looking forward to February.
    Thank you, Julie!

  28. 12×12 is the best! And this is only my first month in it! I drafted a new MS, and revisited a couple old ones to edit and improve. Thank you!

  29. I did not complete a new draft or a revision, but I participated in StoryStorm for the first time and now have 33 new ideas to turn into drafts for 12 x 12! I’m inspired by all of you who did both.

  30. It’s unbelievable how time flies February already. I completed a revision of another manuscript but am planning to step up my game. I want to accomplish more drafts and revisions. I will make 2021 count and be a super productive year! 🙂

  31. This will be a year of revising for me. I won’t turn down a good idea if comes to me, but I really need to concentrate on revising the manuscripts I’ve already written. I am so proud to be a part of this group!

  32. I wrote a new draft, revised it after a crit group, and revised a manuscript from last year. I submitted the manuscript to “A Night of Roundtables” and received feedback from an author and editor. I posted on the critique connect section and found critique partners for a biweekly Zoom critique, it’s a great, supportive , constructive group. I participated in Storystorm, and everyday tried to write one sentence on another idea after writing an idea, to see if each had “legs”–so I have a big wild Google doc with a lot of ideas going, even if some of them are junkers. Joined SCBWI as well.
    I also went to/participated in a few webinars — I loved Sylvie Frank’s from Paula Wiseman.
    Really nerding out hard on picture books, and I’m so grateful for 12×12, SCBWI, and Storystorm. Thanks, you all!

  33. First check-in with 12X12! Congratulations to participants for hard work this month. I revised 2 manuscripts, wrote another, and look forward to increased involvement in Feb.

  34. Reading Hope’s blog was as if i I were looking into my own mind. I have experienced all of the writer ah-hahs she mentioned. I wonder if she wakes in the middle of the night to write down something so she won’t forget it? I revised and completed one PB ms. (am having problems with the title), started two drafts and am planning on revising one I wrote many years ago. It’s going to be a busy February.

  35. I read an article suggesting 5 ways to improve a manuscript posted by Laura Bard. The first point was to put the manuscript away for a week or two. I had a ms on my desk top that I’d been avoiding. Secondly, I read it from start to finish to hear the entire story. Third step was to cut, condense, tighten unnecessary details. Fourth, keep action moving forward. Does something happen to make reader want to turn page?
    Does dialogue move story or add to personality of the speaker? Finally, look at punctuation in dialogue , look at overuse of adjectives gives and adverbs. I made revisions!!!

  36. I have been revising three stories and focused on one of them for January. I also wrote a very rough draft of an idea from Storystorm. 12 X !2 really helps with motiviation!

  37. It’s not pretty, but I started a draft on a new NF PB. I’ve never attempted one before. Worked on revising another w/ all of the great suggestions from this group

  38. I successfully completed StoryStorm and wrote a rather crappy first draft based on one of the ideas. Ready to start revising it.

  39. I shared an older manuscript that needed revision and got some great feedback. I feel so encouraged by the responses and look forward to sharing more and supporting others!

  40. I wrote a new draft from a title that’s been rolling around in my head for a while. I also revised a draft that I’m excited to send off this week.

  41. I am stoked to have written two drafts and revised one draft in January! I was even able to polish up two query letters. Thanks to StoryStorm and 12×12 for connecting me to more writers in the writing community. It may have been freezing cold last month, but I was on fire.

  42. Thank you, 12×12! It was 7:30 pm on Jan. 31 and I still had no draft, so I brought my writing book with me to wait to pick my daughter up from an event. All these heavy topics in the news and my personal circles were not helping my frame of mind. I pulled up my old Idea list on my phone and scrolled through. An entry from 2018 caught my eye, just one phrase, and words spilled into the page. I now have a beautiful draft that is getting great feedback from my critique buddies and I’m excited about. Yay! I also have revised it once so far, so will get to check that box at the end of this month. It’s good to be back.

  43. Happy to have 12×12 give me a push to stay on track. Been working on new portfolio pieces, finished a picture book dummy and spent sometime spinning my wheels on a draft that is STILL in bits and pieces. Onward to February!

  44. I have one very bad new draft. I was trying something new so I don’t mind that it is absolutely awful. It’s still a win for me. Thank you Hope for the inspiration.

  45. I revised an old draft. It is my first few days with 12×12! I have wanted to do this for years! I am so happy to be here!

  46. I started the new year off with guns blazing… not only was I doing 12 x 12 but also Tata Lazar’s STORYSTORM.

    I wrote two drafts of my STORYSTORM ideas (I ended up with 48 of them) and I also revised two older STORYSTORM manuscripts one of which I will send out to a 12 x 12 agent this month.

  47. I wrote 2 new drafts within the past couple weeks! And sent off a manuscript that I started working on over a year ago to a publisher!

  48. 12×12 is getting me going this year! I drafted a new PB story and revised one that had been sitting for months – yay!

  49. I’m always stopping at tiny green shoots growing around manhole covers and wonder about their stories as well. It’s hard not to.

  50. Just joined… I have numerous manuscripts and my wonderful mentor prompted me to join.. I loved 12days for writers, Storystorm and now NFFest. Feeling inspired, I know I’m late…. Just wanted to check in!! Sally

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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).