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Vandana Tantia -- How I Got My Agent

Vandana Tantia – How I Got My Agent

When the number of agents open to submissions from picture book writers seemed slim, Vandana Tantia used workshops to connect with them and get her manuscripts in the door. The results? Well, she’s in the “How I Got My Agent” spotlight, isn’t she?

Way to go, Vandana!

Vandana Tantia -- How I Got My Agent

How long had you been writing before seeking an agent, and what made you decide it was time to look for one?

I was inspired to write picture books after reading an article in our local newspaper.

Since I didn’t know much about picture books writing, I took a few classes. I joined SCBWI, Atlanta Writers Club, Rate Your Story, and 12 x 12. I attended a lot of webinars and workshops, and I kept on improving my writing skills. At times, I took the help of professional editors who provided guidance.

I queried too early on my first story in 2020. With advice from professionals, I stopped to focus on learning craft, finding some great critique partners, writing, and revising. The next few years I started to have a bit more success, so I knew I was on the right path.

After I had three strong manuscripts, I started querying again. Then I got an email from Kristina that she was interested in my stories.

What kind of research did you do before submitting?

At first, I queried too early and without much research. After being mentored and given directions, I streamlined my approach in searching for any potential agents. I submitted to the agents whose workshops or webinars I attended.

The dreaded questions: How many queries? How many rejections?

I probably received over 20 rejections. But I kept learning the craft of writing picture books, and I switched to my second and third manuscript. I was very fortunate with these. I got requests for more work. Kristina liked my work and offered to represent me.

Was it difficult to find an agent who wanted to represent an author focusing on picture books?

Yes. The list of agents looking to represent author-only picture books is small. Most of them are closed to unsolicited submissions. That’s why I invested in a few workshops, and it was from one of those workshops I found my agent.

Who is your new agent? Tell us about getting the news.

My agent is Kristina Sutton of Focused Artists. I attended her workshop, where she read my First Page submission. She liked it, and I submitted the full manuscript. I received a nice note back a few days later requesting additional manuscripts. After reviewing them, she emailed to say she would love to schedule a call. I was super excited.

How did you know your agent was “the one”?

Kristina and I met over Zoom, and by the end of our meeting, I knew we’d make a great team. She is very kind and knowledgeable. I was impressed by her passion for her job and enthusiasm for my manuscript. Getting the opportunity to work with Kristina is an honor.

If 12 x 12 helped you in any way during your agent search/development of craft, can you tell us how? (P.S. It is TOTALLY okay if the answer is no. I am not trying to “lead” you 🙂 ) 

This is my first experience with 12 x 12, so I’m just navigating this wonderful community. I met great authors who helped me polish my additional manuscripts that the agent had requested.

Has your writing process changed at all since signing with an agent?

Not really except I now check with Kristina about which story to work on out of my few that are work in progress.

What advice would you give to picture book writers looking for agents today?

My biggest piece of advice would be to not query too soon. I learned it the hard way. Only one manuscript is not enough. Write at least 3-4 stories and polish them with the help of your critique partners. Most agents would like to see additional work before signing someone.

Do you think your platform (blog, social media) helped you find your agent?

No, I’m still working on that part of the business. 

Tell us something that is on your “bucket list.” Something you’ve dreamed of doing all your life but have yet to accomplish (besides publishing a book, which is inevitable at this point 🙂 )

I love to travel. I have visited many countries. I have only been to England in Europe, and want to visit other countries there.

What’s up next/what are you working on now?

I am working on polishing a few more stories. I’m writing, revising, and discussing with Kristina the best path to develop and grow as a writer. I’m also working on creating a social media presence.

Thanks so much for having me on your blog!



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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).