Hear From Members!
The 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge has changed the trajectory of the lives and careers of many picture book creators. Hear how in this video.
“Tina Schwartz with the Purcell Agency is my agent. 12 x 12 absolutely helped me. I initially knew very little about the world of PB writing and publishing. 12 x 12 helped plug me in. I not only regularly posted my stories for critiques but I followed the Facebook group and listened to the monthly interviews with agents, etc. I think 12 x 12 is a fantastic resource that helped ground me in the picture book world.”
Leslie Piotrowski
Success Story
“I’m thrilled to say it’s Miranda Paul at Erin Murphy Literary Agency. Joining 12 x 12 was a huge pivotal point in my writing career. The connections and friendships that I have made through 12 x 12 are such an important part of my life. I have learned and grown so much in my writing career because of 12 x 12! I have a book deal that hasn’t been announced yet and another book on submission.”
Sherry Fellores
Success Story
“I signed with the fabulous Charlotte Wenger of Prospect Agency! …it was the first 12 x 12 webinar of 2020 that really helped me get my agent. Charlotte was the webinar guest and she talked about the books she represented and the ones she had acquired as an editor. I realized I had several manuscripts that would be perfect for her which really helped me tailor my future submissions. Seeing her in the webinar is also what got me so excited at the chance to have a critique with her and convinced me to take advantage of that opportunity.”
Larissa Elliot
Success Story
“My agent is Emily Forney of BookEnds Literary Agency…I heard about 12 x 12 and it intrigued me, but I told myself that I would join in 2022 when I was “more serious and committed to picture books.” But at the last moment, just as the sign-up window was closing, I thought, well, maybe joining 12 x 12 in 2021 is what will make me serious and committed. And I was right. All of a sudden I was in this warm, helpful, knowledgeable community that was passionate about PBs. I was so inspired that I completely gave myself over to PBs. It was like a wave that enveloped me and carried me forward faster than I had expected. I felt ready to query in the fall of 2021, and here I am!”
Shruthi Rao
Success Story
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Scholarship Recipient Success
More than half of 12 x 12 scholarship recipients have gone on to sign with agents and publish books. Hear about a few of their journeys in this video.
The 12 x 12 Diversity Scholarship changed everything for me! I learned so much about both the craft and the industry through the webinars and found inspiration by connecting with other creators. I even landed an agent thanks to the Gold Submission Opportunities! I’m forever grateful to 12 x 12 for investing in me.
Devyn Douvier
2023 Scholarship Recipient
I'm so grateful to have been a GOLD scholarship recipient. I can't begin to describe how impactful 12x12 has been on my writing journey. The caring community, in-depth resources, and quality webinars have met me where I'm at every step of the way—be it as a complete beginner or as an agented author with an eye to next steps. This scholarship allowed me to query a wonderful range of agents, kept me connected to the community, and gave me the confidence boost I needed. I would encourage anyone considering it to take the leap and apply!
Alexandra Millarhouse
2023 Scholarship Recipient
I could not be more grateful to be a recipient of the prestigious Diversity Scholarship from 12 x 12. It not only motivated me further, but also gave me the confidence to strive for bigger goals and dreams as I continue my journey as a picture book author. Since the scholarship award, editors at workshops began to take notice of something special in my stories, which led to multiple representation offers. I have also found lifelong support and fellow peers to learn from and collaborate with thanks to this amazing community.
Aimee Hiura
2023 Scholarship Recipient
Through the scholarship, I got access to a wealth of knowledge, a warm and supportive community, enlightening craft discussions, opportunities to chat with and apply to agents, and I also found a new critique group that keeps me writing and accountable. With this scholarship, Julie Hedlund gave me a chance to be a part of something magical! A giant thank you to Julie, Kelli, the critique ninjas, and all the wonderful people that make the 12x12 magic happen!
Sope Martins
2022 Scholarship Recipient
I was honored to have been awarded the 12x12 Diversity scholarship, and it literally changed my writing world. It has grounded me and taught me a lot about the industry with the amazing workshops, webinars and chats. But most importantly, it's given me hope that my voice will one day find its place in today's literary world and to not give up. Thank you, 12 x 12!
Sabrina Shah
2022 Scholarship Recipient
I'm so grateful for the 12 x 12 Diversity Scholarship! Being a part of the community makes me feel like having big sisters and brothers who generously share their triumphs, almost-triumphs, passes, and advice. Their genuine stories of perseverance, learned lessons, and understanding make the publishing dream less daunting and—possible—if we stay the course.
MeiLin Chan
2022 Scholarship Recipient