Hear From Members!
The 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge has changed the trajectory of the lives and careers of many picture book creators. Hear how in this video.
“I can honestly say that I would not be a published or agented author without 12 x 12. In 2013, I started seriously thinking about writing picture books, but I knew I needed to develop my craft…Even with the Aussie and American exchange rate I knew it would be well worth the investment. 12 x 12 gave me the motivation to write a manuscript every month…Four of which have or will be published. But, the most valuable thing that 12 x 12 has given me is community. There is no way I would have ‘met’ so many talented KidLit people from all around the world without 12 x 12. Even though I am now a published and agented author I hope to forever remain a member of the 12 x 12 community.”

Sharon Giltrow
Success Story
“I am now represented by Hilary Harwell with KT Literary. I am so excited to be a member of her team. The manuscript I submitted was one that I posted to 12 x 12 to be critiqued. I was able to take the feedback I received and improve my manuscript before sending it out to agents. Hilary is a 12 x 12 featured agent which also allowed me to learn more about her.”

Tunisia Williams
Success Story
“The amazing Liza Fleissig of Liza Royce Agency is my agent. 12 x 12 definitely helped in both my agent search and in the development of my craft. As a Gold member, I had above-the-slush pile opportunities with agents and became well practiced at writing queries, researching agents, and evaluating which of my well-revised, polished manuscripts were a good fit. The webinars are excellent, and the forum feedback and Ninja Crits are incredibly helpful. And I LOVE being part of the 12 x 12 community.”

Angela De Groot
Success Story
“James McGowan of BookEnds Literary is awesome. He’s whip smart, funny, and driven. I submitted to him following 12 x 12 submission station guidelines. Within three days, he’d emailed me asking for additional manuscripts, which I sent. And about a week later, he emailed me to schedule “The Call.” James was a 12 x 12 GOLD featured agent! I’d been a 12 x 12 Silver member for a couple years but upgraded to 12 x 12 GOLD, which I saw as an important investment in my career. Like a lot of writers, I’ve found that writing communities like 12 x 12, SCBWI and Writing Barn CtC are essential for encouragement and support and for meeting mentors and writer friends.”

Kamalani Hurley
Success Story
“My agent is Joyce Sweeney from the Seymour Agency. Joyce noted that they were glad to see I was a 12 x 12 member on our first call, after seeing it noted in my query letter. They mentioned that those types of memberships are pluses for them when selecting clients to sign. They know that 12×12 members show a certain level of commitment to continually improving and evolving their craft. So, yes, quite directly, the 12 x 12 membership helped in that sense.
Also, I have found some great new critique partners through the 12 x 12 community. I learn a lot from the webinars and connections I make with other 12×12 authors. All of this sustained me during the brutal months in the query trenches.”

Becca McMurdie
Success Story
“My agent is Ammi-Joan Paquette of Erin Murphy Literary. So many people sharing their agent journeys in the Facebook group has really helped me in my overall perspective. Hannah Holt especially shared very openly about changing agents in ways that I found comforting. And it was Nadia Salomon who very generously zoomed with me for over an hour to discuss her experience as one of Joan’s clients. Plus, all the different agents who have appeared on webinars over the years—they all added to my education of what skills and qualities are important to me.”

Nell Cross Beckerman
Success Story
Scholarship Recipient Success
More than half of 12 x 12 scholarship recipients have gone on to sign with agents and publish books. Hear about a few of their journeys in this video.
“I’m so grateful to have been selected as a 12x12 Diversity Scholarship recipient! The fact that someone thought my writing was deserving of recognition gave me the confidence boost I needed to start strong in 2024, and the excellent webinars kept my creative spark alive all year. The insightful feedback I received on the forum also helped me see my manuscripts in completely new ways and made my queries stronger. I am so thankful to have found such a supportive writing community. Thank you 12 x 12!"

Marlee Morris
2024 Scholarship Recipient
“I was completely humbled and honored to be selected as a 12x12 GOLD Scholarship recipient for 2024. After facing many lows in my writing journey, this accomplishment really fired up my focus and determination for my writing career. Thanks to 12 x 12, I connected with incredibly kind members of the picture book community, engaged in top-notch submission opportunities with agents and learned so many things I have been able to implement into my own stories right away. I feel more connected and stronger than ever as a writer thanks to this chance! If you are hesitant about joining, GO FOR IT! “

Brandy Bellittera
2024 Scholarship Recipient
“I was so excited and humbled to receive a 2024 Diversity Scholarship from 12x12! The scholarship allowed me to connect with agents who might not have otherwise seen my work, bringing me closer to my author dreams. The 12x12 community has been a constant source of encouragement and growth—every webinar and featured author taught me something new. I sincerely appreciate the thoughtful manuscript feedback in the Forum and have learned so much from our "Rhyming Ninjas" and fellow writers. Most of all, I feel grateful to be part of such a generous and kind community.”

Angela Blakey
2024 Scholarship Recipient
“What a journey! As a 12x12 Diversity Scholarship winner, I wrote and revised a book every month. (Yes, I accepted the challenge!) I learned about pitching, querying, and critiquing. I participated in book chats and webinars with authors, agents, and editors. It was like a year-long master class in picture book writing. Loved every minute! Thank you for investing in me and my dream.”

Ana Gascón
2024 Scholarship Recipient
“I am grateful to 12x12 for believing in my work. Being selected for a scholarship was a wonderful boost to my confidence and helped me secure an agent. I have enjoyed the webinars and community and appreciated the push to write every month.12x12 helped me hone my writing skills, find new critique partners, and learn more about craft.”

Madhu Messenger
2023 Scholarship Recipient
“I was honored to be a 12x12 GOLD Scholarship recipient for 2023. Winning the scholarship in itself was an encouraging and motivating way to begin my year. From there being a part of 12x12 has provided ways to connect with the picture book community, learn from webinars, engage in submission opportunities, and best of all - develop a body of work I wouldn't have written otherwise, since I was committed to keep up with the challenge to write a new picture book manuscript each month!”

Kristen Rashid
2023 Scholarship Recipient