GOLD members! April is almost here and that means you have another submission opportunity on the horizon! Read the following profiles carefully, click the links for more info on each agent, and decide who is the best fit for you and your work. Then read the guidelines on the forum as you prepare your submission. Be sure to double check everything before you hit the send button.
Little GOLDen Book members will be able to choose one of these two agents to submit their manuscript to in April. (If you are a SILVER member, you may use this info for research. Check out our How to Use 12 x 12 Featured Agent Posts article here.)
Paige Terlip of the Andrea Brown Literary Agency will be accepting picture book submissions from 12 x 12 GOLD members from April 1-15. Hilary Harwell of KT Literary will be accepting picture book submissions from 12 x 12 GOLD members from April 16-30. Paige’s profile appears first, followed by Hilary’s.
Time to make those submissions sparkle!
Paige Terlip of the Andrea Brown Agency
A little bit about Paige:
Prior to becoming an Associate Agent, Paige Terlip was a Senior Assistant for Executive Agent Laura Rennert, and has been with ABLA since 2017. She comes to agenting with a background in marketing, design, and freelance editorial. She’s worked at Charlesbridge Publishing, The National Renewable Energy Laboratory, and a ranch in the Rockies. She has an MA in Children’s Literature and an MFA in Writing for Children from Simmons University.
Across age categories, Paige Terlip is drawn to high concept novels with captivating hooks, snarky characters with hearts of gold, creative magic systems, complicated relationships, and found families. She loves well-plotted twists, being a little bit scared, and stories that explore the fluidity of gender and bring queer experiences to light. Regardless of genre, she is seeking inclusive, intersectional voices and gorgeous line-level writing with emotionally compelling narratives.
When asked what she’s looking for in submissions, Paige replied:
“Looking for humor! Send me all the funny PBs, especially with characters with series potential. Right now, I am not the best fit for PB biographies or rhyming PBs.”
This is Paige’s first year as a 12 x 12 Featured Agent. Here are a few additional resources for her:
- Check out Paige’s website.
- Find Paige on Twitter.
- Take a look at the Andrea Brown Literary website
- Paige’s Manuscript Wishlist (#MSWL)
- Interview on Literary Rambles
- Listen to Paige on the Literaticast Podcast
- Follow Paige on Instagram
- Eastern PennPoints Interview [from 2021]
Hilary Harwell of KT Literary
A little bit about Hilary:
Hilary Harwell, Agent (Pronouns: She/Her, Salutation: Ms.) As a proud member of the KT Literary family, Hilary represents children’s and young adult authors. She joined the team in 2016 as an assistant to both Kate and Sara and began taking on her own clients in 2017. Hilary is a graduate of the University of Colorado, Boulder, where she earned a degree in Anthropology. She went on to work in the back office of a major Swiss Investment Bank for eight years before deciding to trade numbers for letters. When not reading or editing or writing stories of her own, Hilary likes to hike the Rockies with her family and dreams of one day owning her own horses. As an agent, Hilary partners with her growing list of clients to develop their projects in preparation for submission and strategizes to help them build long-term writing careers as published authors. She’s highly communicative, empathetic, and supportive as an agent–tailoring her approach to each client’s unique needs, acting as a strong advocate, and helping them navigate the business side of publishing their work.
When asked what she’s looking for in submissions, Hilary replied:
“lyrical but not rhyming, STEM/STEAM, culturally infused but where culture isn’t the primary focus, humorous, underrepresented voices, [and] LGBTQ.”
Hilary was a Featured Agent in previous 12 x 12 years. Read her past profiles here and here. Here are a couple of additional resources:
- Interview on The Word: A Storytelling Sanctuary
- Follow Hilary on Twitter
Remember: Little GOLDen Book Members may only submit to ONE of these agents. Please choose the agent who is the best fit for you and your manuscript. Look for submission guidelines in the Submission Station on the 12 x 12 forum.
- Submissions will only be accepted for Paige Terlip from April 1st at 8am ET/5am PT through April 15th at 6pm EASTERN/3pm PACIFIC.
- Submissions will only be accepted for Hilary Harwell from April 16th at 8am ET/5am PT through April 30th at 6pm EASTERN/3pm PACIFIC.
Please double check the times for your time zone on your submissions. Anything received before or after the submissions window is open will be disqualified and you will not be able to submit again this month.
Remember, it is NEVER okay to submit your manuscript twice. Contact Kelli if there is a problem with your submission.
Good luck!
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