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Karly Dizon & Emily S. Keyes – 12 x 12 Featured Agents September 2024

September is coming! Fall into your submission opportunities with our September Featured Agents. GOLD members, read on to learn more about our 12 x 12 Featured Agents. Decide which one is the best fit for you and your work. Then read the guidelines on the forum as you prepare your submission. Be sure to double-check everything before you hit the send button.

Little GOLDen Book members can choose one of these two agents to submit their manuscript to in September. (If you are a SILVER member, you may use this info for research. Check out our How to Use 12 x 12 Featured Agent Posts article here.)

Karly Dizon of Fuse Literary will be accepting picture book submissions from 12 x 12 GOLD members from September 1-15.  Emily S. Keyes of the Keyes Agency will be accepting picture book submissions from 12 x 12 GOLD members from September 16-30. Karly’s profile appears first, followed by Emily’s. 

Here we go!

Karly DizonKarly Dizon of Fuse Literary 

A little bit about Karly:

Karly Dizon is an associate agent at Fuse Literary building KidLit universes with stories that matter. She first joined the agency in 2016 as a reader for Tricia Skinner and then promoted to Literary Assistant soon after.

In 2019, she was promoted to associate agent. Karly has built a career with a strong background as a freelance editor as well as extensive experience with graphic design and marketing. She is looking to develop long-term career authors and nurture their entire writing journey as a strong editorial agent with marketing, social media, and design support. Karly is also the KidLit track coordinator for the San Francisco Writers Conference.

Karly’s clients have won or been nominated for such awards as Kirkus Best Books of the Year, NCTE Notable Books List, SLJ Best Book of the Year, and Kirkus Prize Finalist.

When asked what she’s looking for in submissions, Karly replied:

“I’m looking for stories that have taken a new perspective on an already written tale, mythology/lore for the younger reader that not only entertains but educates, a unique concept or angle that I haven’t seen before.”

Karly has been a 12 x 12 Featured Agent in previous years. (Be sure to watch the current replay of her recent critique session. Link will be in your email.) Find her previous profile posts here and here. Here are some additional resources for your research: 


Emily S. Keyes of Keyes Literary

Emily S Keyes - Keyes Literary

Emily S. Keyes is the founder of Keyes Agency, LLC. Previously she was a literary agent at Fuse Literary and a contracts manager/associate agent at L. Perkins Agency.

Before entering the world of agenting, she worked in the contracts department of Simon & Schuster, Inc where she handled copyright, reversion of rights, and assisted with author contracts. In 2008, she graduated from New York University’s Center for Publishing. She uses her knowledge of contracts, copyright, and the publishing business to benefit her clients.

When asked what she’s looking for in picture book submissions, Emily shared this:

“I love picture books that are surprising and feel like the stories haven’t been told before. I’m looking for stories about BIPOC and queer children, particularly ones that center BIPOC joy (ex JABARI JUMPS, MY PAPI HAS A MOTORCYCLE). I’d love to find a stand-out character that could be a franchise. I like non-fiction and informational picture books with lyrical writing about fresh topics. I’m not usually the best fit for anthropomorphic animals, potty humor, or biographies.”

Emily was a Featured Agent previously. You can find her previous profile post here, here, and here. Additional resources are below:



Remember: Little GOLDen Book Members may only submit to ONE of these agents. Please choose the agent who is the best fit for you and your manuscript. Look for submission guidelines in the Submission Station on the 12 x 12 forum.

  • Submissions will only be accepted for Karly Dizon from September 1st at 8am ET/5am PT through September 15th at 6pm EASTERN/3pm PACIFIC.
  • Submissions will only be accepted for Emily S. Keyes from September 16th at 8am ET/5am PT through September 30th at 6pm EASTERN/3pm PACIFIC.


Please double-check the times for your time zone on your submissions. Anything received before or after the submissions window is open will be disqualified and you will not be able to submit again this month.

Remember, it is NEVER okay to submit your manuscript twice. Contact Kelli if there is a problem with your submission.

Good luck to our GOLD members! We look forward to your success stories


Not a 12 x 12 member yet? Join our waiting list here.

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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).