April Berry – How I Got My Agent
12 x 12 member April Berry reveals the ups and downs of her agent journey and how Katie Monson at SBR Media became her agent.
12 x 12 member April Berry reveals the ups and downs of her agent journey and how Katie Monson at SBR Media became her agent.
12 x 12 member Viviane Elbee shares what she wanted in her second agent and how Christie Megill at The CAT agency checked all the boxes.
12 x 12 member Celina Kamler takes us along the long and winding road that let to agent Shari Maurer at Stringer Literary Agency.
12 x 12 member Kelly Bookamer lets us peek behind the curtain of the journey that led her to agent Kelly Bergh of Lucinda Literary.
12 x 12 member Hannah Lorenzo reveals her view from the querying trenches and how it led her to agent Kaitlyn Sanchez at Bradford Literary!
12 x 12 member Victoria K. Chapman reveals what it’s like to land a two-agent team from The Seymour Agency!
12 x 12 member Katherine Rothstein shares the submissions path that lead her to Jen Newens at Martin Literary Management.
Delano Brown talks about getting the push he needed to query and how it led him to Ariana Philips of Jean V. Naggar Literary Agency.
12 x 12 member Kristi Mahoney takes us through her journey to a agent-client partnership with Elisa Houot of The Seymour Agency.
12 x 12 member Tina Shepardson shares how she landed her new agent Sharon Mergl Belcastro of the Belcastro Agency.
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