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Featured Author Carrie Kruck

Carrie Kruck – 12 x 12 Featured Author October 2024

Feeling stuck? Flip the script!

Carrie KruckWriters, we’ve all been there — ideas aren’t coming…the plot won’t hold together…you’ve submitted and submitted yet no one is biting. You’re STUCK.

Sometimes you have to stay the course, patiently putting one foot in front of the other. But sometimes? You need to leap. Do something — anything — different.

Flip the script!

Flip the script:

to do something completely differently or in the opposite way from the way it is usually done (Cambridge Dictionary)

to do something unexpected or revolutionary (Oxford Dictionary)

Back in 2017, I tried an idea-generating exercise that involves taking a well-known story element and adding a twist. Turning it on its head. Flipping the script.

Fire-breathing dragons have long been featured in picture books. But what about…

…a dragon who’s scared of fire?

…a bubble-breathing dragon?

…a fire-breathing kitten?

Or maybe…

A fire-breathing KID.

Whoa. Talk about flipping the script! I was fascinated by the idea, but how to turn it into a story?

Well, every story needs a problem to solve, and three attempts to get there, right? (Wrong! But it’s a fine place to start. Learn the “rules” so you can break them!) Accidental fire-breathing certainly seems like a problem for a six-year-old. But how to solve it? Nothing I came up with seemed quite right.

ALFRED BLOOMS by Carrie Kruck, illustrated by Carmen MokBack then, I didn’t yet have a critique group. But I had joined an amazing community called — I bet you can guess! — 12 x 12 Picture Book Challenge. And I discovered, as hopefully you all have, the Manuscript Makeover section where other writers read your story and give feedback and maybe they could help me get unstuck…except I’d never shared my work with strangers! I certainly hadn’t posted my writing publicly. It was just not the way I did things.

But I was stuck. I had to do something different. Time to flip the script!

I took a deep breath, posted a draft, and was blown away by the generous, helpful, and encouraging responses. New writers, experienced writers, even writers who were new at the time and are now multi-published award-winning authors chimed in (one of my favorite things about 12 x 12 — writers at all stages sharing this journey with each other!). Armed with all their feedback, I headed back to the drawing board.

And realized, with horror: I had been writing a book about taking away a little girl’s fire.

Suddenly, I saw the story in a whole new light. What if the problem wasn’t fire-breathing? What if the real problem was everyone else (including me!) trying to extinguish this little girl’s spark?

Time to flip the script.

I wrote a new draft. The first half had a traditional arc — a problem (girl breathes fire) and three attempts at a solution. But halfway through the story, Ignacia (or Iggy for short) flips the script. She embraces her fire, declares herself to the world, and the entire trajectory of the story gets turned on its head.

In the meantime, I’d joined a wonderful critique group (formed in the forum’s 12 x 12 Critique Connect category, of course!). I sent them an email asking — “could Iggy actually KEEP her fire?” And they sent back a resounding “Yes!”

I revised like an author on fire. The story grew and evolved as I came to deeper realizations of who Iggy was and what I was really writing about.

I also grew and evolved as a writer, pushing myself to do the unexpected again and again. In 2018, I attended a conference and, utterly out of character, entered a “First Look” event. I submitted my manuscript’s first lines to be read aloud to a crowd of hundreds plus a panel of agents, editors, and Dan Santat (RIP my nerves).

IGGY WHO BREATHES FIRE by Carrie Kruck, illustrated by Erica MezaWhen Iggy was born, she purred.

When Iggy was three, she roared.

And when Iggy was five, she opened her mouth and instead of a holler, she breathed fire.

Hearing my words read aloud in that ballroom was surreal. And when an editor leaned forward and said into her microphone — “I would read more” — I knew I could not give up on Iggy.

I was writing other manuscripts too, and, at the end of 2019, I signed with my agent. She eventually sent IGGY WHO BREATHES FIRE out on submission. Editors were interested, and I did multiple revise & resubmits — Funnier! Darker! More heartfelt! — but it wasn’t quite landing. I kept working, one foot in front of the other, but eventually?

It was time to flip the script.

Maybe a fire-breathing girl would work better in a fairy tale setting. I started from scratch, rewriting Iggy as a princess in a make-believe kingdom. It was fun! I adored it! My agent sent it on submission in 2022. But I still loved my original vision and kept working on it in the background, using everything I’d learned from writing the princess version.

Then an editor contacted my agent. She loved Iggy, but a princess book wouldn’t fit on her list. Did we have a different version?


The editor loved it! She was taking it to acquisitions.

And then an offer came in—from another editor, on the princess manuscript! Followed quickly by an offer from the first editor. By flipping the script something REALLY unexpected had happened! The book(s) went to auction, after which I had to make a choice.

Two brilliant editors. Two dream imprints. Two completely different stories, both of which I loved!

This time I followed my heart and the editor who shared my original vision. When the deal was announced, of course I ran to the 12 x 12 Facebook group to share the news!

And now, here I am sharing a sneak peak with 12 x 12 of how those first three lines turned out:


I learned so much about writing and about myself during the crafting of this book. When to stay the course, and when to do something different, something unexpected, something revolutionary.

So go on, flip the script.

You just might set the world on fire.



Carrie Kruck writes books for kids, including Iggy Who Breathes Fire from Disney Hyperion, plus the upcoming summer-camp-sequel Iggy Who Shines, both illustrated by Erika Meza and Alfred Blooms, coming in 2025 from Random House Studio, illustrated by Carmen Mok. She grew up in Canada, worked as a psychologist in Australia, and now lives in New England with her family and a delightful assortment of owls, foxes, and bears (oh my!). 

Carrie is offering one lucky 12 x 12 member a swag-filled copy of IGGY WHO BREATHES FIRE.

Not a 12 x 12 member yet? Click here to be added to our waitlist for 2025 and get a free webinar!


12 x 12 may earn a  commission from books purchased through the links in the post. Proceeds go to fund 12 x 12 diversity programming and scholarships.

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115 Responses

  1. Wow! What an inspiring post, Carrie! Flipping the script is fabulous advice; thank you for sharing your journey, and I can definitely see why your book went to auction. Congratulations!

  2. Carrie, thank you so much for sharing your awesome journey with us. I think I really needed to hear it. I have yet to really share my work with other 12×12 writers…(I’m not there yet but getting closer)…Your share is helping to break down barriers I have for sharing my work. I work within the film industry and we are always so paranoid of someone stealing our ideas if we share our work before it’s ready to be pitched to the studios to perspective financial entities or partners. I just know now that when I finally do share with our supportive 12×12 family the results will be safe, constructive and helpful. Thanks again for sharing your story and wishing you much luck with all your writing.

    1. Sharon, I’ve heard that about the film industry, it’s interesting that the two communities work so differently! I definitely understand it, but the rewards of sharing have always been well worth it for me. Writing is such a solitary endeavor – I love getting feedback and connecting with other writers through my work, and it always makes the work so much better. I hope you find similar rewards when you’re ready to share! 12×12 is here for you!

      1. Thank you so much Carrie, I feel your words are helping to dissolve some age old barriers I have had about sharing my work and ideas. You have inspired me to take some baby steps that feel a lot more like stepping through the path made by the parting of the Red Sea…I just know that freedom is on the other side. Thank you again for sharing the map of your journey and I wish you continued success with all your creative adventures.

  3. Each month the Featured Author’s posts inspire me. Yours is proof that following your heart can lead to publishing your book. Of course, you wrote, rewrote, edited, were patient and willing to make the changes. I’m so happy for you that your IGGY WHO BREATHES FIRE went to auction. It doesn’t get better than that. Congratulations! Thanks for sharing your wonderful story.

  4. Amazing, Carrie! Thank you so much for sharing this and how you flipped the script! So glad you did, and I’m looking forward to reading your book! 🙂

  5. Thanks for this Carrie. Really enjoyed your story of tenacity of constantly flipping the script. I want to learn from this.

  6. Wow! This lit a fire under me and I’m imagining a script flip on a story I’ve been stuck on for a while. Thank you for sharing your journey. I can’t wait to read your book.

  7. What a wonderful accounting of how Flipping the Script not once, but twice can make such a difference! I love how you found the “true” heart of your Fire! Thank you for sharing this. I have a few manuscripts that need flipping!

  8. Wow, thank you so much for sharing your story and this very inspiring post. I love the idea of flipping the script and enjoyed reading how you did so. Congratulations on your success!

  9. I love the advice to “flip the script”. But better yet are your examples of how you put that into action (over and over!) to land a publishing deal. Congratulations and thanks for the inspiration!

  10. Wow, Carrie! I had no idea of the super interesting backstory of your IGGY ms. It was captivating and inspiring! Love the idea of flipping the script. I can’t wait to read this book come release day!

  11. Carrie, I loved your post and the opening spread for IGGY WHO BREATHES FIRE is totally captivating! It was insightful to learn how your story morphed and developed over time by applying your “flip the script” strategy.

    I am in my third year of 12 x 12 and only had the courage to post my first manuscript a few days ago. It’s always so helpful to find out that others were hesitant at one time too. Congrats on your success!

  12. Wow! What an exciting journey! I can’t wait to:
    1. Read the book
    2. Flip MY script

    Thank you for sharing!

  13. Your comments are so inspiring. I was just looking at a couple of my PB drafts and wondering how to rework them. I was even contemplating how I could flip them, but unsure of actually what I wanted to do. Now I feel challenged to just jump in and go for it. Thanks for sharing.

  14. I really enjoyed reading how your story came to life Carrie,with all the twists and turns. It really shows us all how persistence is key as well as believing in your vision for the story. I can’t wait to read your book Carrie. Iggy sounds awesome!

  15. Carrie, you are a risk taker and doing well. Congratulations on your success Flipping a story is a great idea, but like you, it takes some thought and imagination. Glad you took a chance on submitting to 12 X 12 Manuscript. It really is scary first time, and equally scary critiquing others when you don’t feel like an accomplished writer yet. Keep stepping up and out in with writing. You are an author now.

  16. Carrie, what a fantastic journey for Iggy and her story. Thanks for sharing the background on how your final version came about. Quite inspiring and encouraging. Can’t wait to read it and the sequel. Congratulations!

  17. Carrie, first, CONGRATULATIONS! I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of both!
    Thank you for your inspiring words. A unique “flip” indeed. Like most writers I have story after story in my “arsenal” waiting for a spark for the next round of revisions. I’ll try something new….who knows! It is so helpful to hear other writers struggle as much as I do and I applaud you for reaching, digging, and grasping ideas that turned to gold!
    Thank you, thank you.

  18. Carrie Kruck, thank you! I followed your journey, word by word! Then I reread what you wrote and took notes. Your message to flip the script is exciting and makes perfect sense.

  19. I love this idea of flipping the script, and it’s so inspiring how you embraced it – over and over and over! This shows true flexibility, which I aim to improve upon… sometimes I don’t know when to let go of an idea I’m holding onto so tightly because I believe it’s the only way, only to find that if I just remain open to new ideas, it could be so much better. Sometimes we have to let the universe speak to us, through critique partners, through nature, through those epiphanies we have in the shower when we can’t write anything down! Thank you for the reminder to let go. I’m really looking forward to reading this book – what killer first lines! – and I’m dying to know more about the summer camp sequel in the works!

    1. I’m glad it resonated with you, Liz! It’s not easy to try something new – I save all my revisions as a new document so that I know I can always go back to my first idea if I want to….but I almost never do! It frees me up to experiment when I know that safety net is still waiting for me in my files 🙂

  20. I absolutely LOVE this story behind the story! Thank you for sharing, and HUGE congrats to you! Can’t wait to read all three of your books!

  21. If I was this breathless reading the story behind the story, I can’t wait to get my hands on a copy of IGGY WHO BREATHES FIRE! Congrats on your perseverance, Carrie, and on the publication of this one!

  22. Thanks for the great advise, flip the script! I have been stuck for a few months now and am ready to try this out and see if it makes a difference. Can’t wait to read your book!

  23. Thank you for sharing your story! I’m so glad you stuck with it. I have a manuscript that I haven’t quite figured out yet and can’t let go either. You’ve given me new motivation!

  24. I love, flip the scrip! Going to use it for a manuscript I’m struggling with. And I can’t wait for Iggy to make her fiery debut! Congratulations!

    1. Just realized I read that wrong – Iggy is already here! – Happy book birthday and congratulations, I can’t wait to read all about her!

  25. Carrie, thank you so much for sharing your writing journey with us. I need to follow your example and join a critique group. There are so many things that 12X12 offers that I have not explored yet.
    “Flip the Script” such an interesting idea and a real challenge. We should all give it a try.
    Good luck with your future books. Looking forward to get to know Iggy!

    1. Thanks Eva! Critique groups are such a great way to develop your writing, but can also be a wonderful source of support and encouragement. It’s also so helpful to have a group of writers who have a feel for your entire body of work. I think the Critique Connect tends to quiet down a bit at this time of year, but if you don’t find a fit and are still here for 2025 (I hope you are!), the forum will be full of writers to connect with in the new year!

  26. Wow, what a story! I loved reading about this journey toward publication. I look forward to reading IGGY and to flipping more of my manuscripts!

  27. What a great post! I loved reading about your process! I’ve been in the middle of reworking several of my stories, and sometimes wonder if I’m just spinning my wheels. It’s so encouraging to hear how this work can really turn into something special…Writing magic at work (amidst the hard work of the writer). Thank you!

    1. It can be so scary to rework something, but keep going! I always save copies of earlier versions, just in case, but I rarely have to go back – it’s just for courage! Taking a chance always seems to move my stories forward. Happy writing!

  28. Oh, Carrie, now you’ve got me reviewing all my manuscripts to flip them and turn them on their heads. LOL. I’m very excited to see the results.
    I look forward to reading your books and wish you continued success in your writing journey.

  29. Wow! This is so inspiring and exactly what I needed to read today as I’m feeling a little stuck myself. Tomorrow I’m going to flip the script! Congrats and can’t wait to read your book!

  30. This was an inspiring post! It’s very helpful to see how a story might change throughout the writing/submitting process but also how you can use that process to better shed light on what is most important for you, the writer. Thank you for sharing your writing/publication journey!

    1. Thanks for reading, Stefan! I always say I don’t know what I’m writing about until I’m done (and I’m never really done, so it’s a constant learning process, lol!)

  31. Man, I love this story and the twist ending. I admire the persistence, flexibility, and daring that got your book represented, acquired and published. Very 12×12!

  32. Thank you for sharing your thoughts about the courage it takes to share your work as you find your writing community. Congratulations on all you have already accomplished!

  33. Carrie, this is an amazing post! Thank you for your insights on how to look at things completely differently. I can’t wait to look at some of my manuscripts with with fresh eyes based upon your advice!

  34. Carrie, this is an amazing post! Thank you for your insights on how to look at things completely differently. I can’t wait to look at some of my manuscripts with fresh eyes based upon your advice!

  35. This was such an inspirational post!! I struggled through October, and I wish I had read this sooner. I’m already putting a suggested purchase for my library for Iggy. I can’t wait to read this book! Thank you for this!!

  36. What a great idea, and you explained it well. I will definitely try to flip a few scripts in my next revisions. Thank you! And I love how the final first lines turned out in your super-creative and fun book. It was helpful to read the way you first had the first lines (which were really enticing) and how they morphed into the final ones (which are spot-on!).

  37. Carrie – As someone who is constantly stuck in the stuck position – I really appreciate your post. It was full of positivity and possibility. I’ve put “Iggy Who Breathes Fire” on hold from our library. I can’t wait to read it. Congratulations on your books. Thank for such a helpful tip.

  38. Carrie- This book journey is special – I truly love that she keeps her fire (I hope she does , in this final version) – congratulations on your books and on your writing – and I agree 12 x12 is so meaningful in so many ways.

  39. The journey always amazes me. Whenever I have a story that keeps missing the mark, I know it’s not done in its journey. Thanks for the inspiration!

  40. Girl, I’m trying to set the world on fire. Thanks for the uplifting story. Best of luck with the book and future books.

  41. My granddaughter always surprises me with her spark. Maybe she’ll also breathe fire one day. Hope so! I’ll definitely read this story to her in a year or two. Thanks for sharing your writing journey with this book. So very interesting!!!

  42. I LOVE this and I LOVE that you chose your original story. I have one that is bouncing around and around and everyone loves it but it’s not quite right for them. I recently heard Jon Klassen say everyone wanted him to change the end of I WANT MY HAT BACK and he wouldn’t do it. Well look at it (and him) now!

    I also love the idea of flipping the script—-what’s a different side of the same coin or the backside of the rainbow?

    Great post, thanks!

  43. I LOVE this and I LOVE that you chose your original story. I have one that is bouncing around and around and everyone loves it but it’s not quite right for them. I recently heard Jon Klassen say everyone wanted him to change the end of I WANT MY HAT BACK and he wouldn’t do it. Well look at it (and him) now!

    I also love the idea of flipping the script—-what’s a different side of the same coin or the backside of the rainbow?

    Great post, thanks!

  44. Love the “flip the script” idea to find another spark. Thank you for sharing your writing process and Iggy’s journey. Congratulations on your success! Yes! I want to read more about it, too!

  45. You’ve got to be true to you–so even the flipping has to feel right. I love the idea of flipping to find the essential spark.

  46. Dear Carrie — Just like Iggy, your story is a fairy tale come true! How wonderful! Congratulations! I am inspired by your twists and turns and flips to your journey. You give me hope. Thanks and best wishes on your future works. Will be fun to see what’s next!

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Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).