Anti-Harassment Policy & Code of Conduct
Anti-Harassment Policy & Code of Conduct
The 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge is committed to providing a safe, welcoming, and professional environment in all of our gathering places, including but not limited to: webinars, the member Facebook group, the Membership Forum, social media accounts, or any other event virtual or in-person that includes 12 x 12 sponsorship. 12 x 12 fosters a climate based on the principles of mutual respect, personal integrity, and responsibility. As such, we will not tolerate harassment or intimidation of any kind. This policy, encompassing the Code of Conduct, will be enforced at all 12 x 12 events and venues.
For purposes of this policy, harassment is defined as any unwelcome verbal, written, or physical conduct that is based on race, ethnicity, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression), national origin, age, disability, body size, citizenship status, uniformed service member status, or any other characteristic protected by law. Such conduct includes, but is not limited to, slurs, abusive remarks, negative stereotyping, making threats, or sexual advances.
12 x 12 values the diversity of views, expertise, opinions, backgrounds, and experiences reflected among all members and guests of our community. As such, staff, members, and outside speakers/guests are expected to read and abide by the following code of conduct when engaging with/or referring to the 12 x 12 community:
- Treat everyone with respect and consideration.
- Communicate openly and thoughtfully with others, and be considerate of the multitude of views and opinions that are different from your own.
- Be respectful in discussing and debating ideas.
- Support one another’s successes and be empathetic to their challenges.
- Follow the rules and policies of the Challenge.
- Be thoughtful about when and whether to share posts, comments, or discussions that occur within 12 x 12 that are of a sensitive or private nature outside of the community. When possible, seek consent from the original poster/commenter.
- Harassment and intimidation, including any verbal, written, or physical conduct designed to threaten, intimidate, humiliate, or coerce another staff member, participant, or guest speaker.
- Discrimination or other actions based on race, ethnicity, religion, sex (including sexual orientation, gender identity and/or expression), national origin, age, disability, body size, citizenship status, uniformed service member status, or any other characteristic protected by law.
- Use of verbal or written microaggressions.
- Stalking or unwelcome or surreptitious photography or recording.
- Disrespectful or harmful disruption of discussions or events.
- Unwelcome sexual attention, including but not limited to unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, non-consensual touch of any kind, sexualized comments or jokes, and/or displaying sexually explicit material.
While 12 x 12 welcomes and appreciates discussion of sensitive subjects, and is committed to free speech and creative artistic expression, we also ask members to educate themselves about the philosophy of “impact over intent”* as it relates to social justice and anti-harassment. In the event a member does or says something that causes harm to another, even unintentionally, we expect members to be willing to take accountability, communicate openly, issue apologies if necessary, and learn from mistakes. Failure to do so may lead to any of the actions outlined below.
*See this article for more insight into impact vs. intent.
Contact Us
If you have any questions about these Anti-Harassment Policy & Code of Conduct, You can contact us:
By email: kelli@juliehedlund.com
By visiting this page on our website: