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Andrea Morrison & Stefanie Molina – 12 x 12 Featured Agents October 2024

October is creeping in and we’ve scared up submission opportunities for our GOLD members. Read on to learn more about our 12 x 12 October Featured Agents and decide which one is the best fit for you and your work. Then read the guidelines on the forum as you prepare your submission. Be sure to double-check everything before you hit the send button.

Little GOLDen Book members can choose one of these two agents to submit their manuscript to in October. (If you are a SILVER member, you may use this info for research. Check out our How to Use 12 x 12 Featured Agent Posts article here.)

Andrea Morrison of Writers House will be accepting picture book submissions from 12 x 12 GOLD members from October 1-15.  Stefanie Molina will be accepting picture book submissions from 12 x 12 GOLD members from October 16-31. Andrea’s profile appears first, followed by Stefanie’s. 

Here we go!

Andrea-Morrison-200x300-1Andrea Morrison of Writers House  

A little bit about Andrea:

Andrea Morrison started at Writers House as an intern and worked her way up to Agent. She’s had the opportunity to work with a wide variety of bestselling and award-winning authors and illustrators in genres ranging from picture books to middle grade and YA to adult literary fiction and nonfiction. Having studied Literature/Writing at University of California, San Diego and having earned her MFA in Fiction from Columbia University, Andrea is hands-on editorially. She’s particularly excited about author/illustrator picture books, and in terms of picture book manuscripts she loves either incredibly heartfelt and lyrical texts…and fall-off-your-chair hilarious texts! Most importantly, she’s looking for unforgettable characters that need to be heard—for stories that grab your heart and don’t let it go, even after they’re finished. 

When asked what she’s looking for in submissions, Andrea replied:

“I’m always looking for funny! That said, I love a heartfelt and lyrical story, too. My tastes are quite wide. I would say that I’m very particular when it comes to rhyme. Not to say that it’s a no, but it has to feel 100% right for the story itself, and very natural.”

Andrea has been a 12 x 12 Featured Agent in previous years. Find her previous profile posts here, here,  and here. Here are some additional resources for your research: 


Stefanie Molina of Ladderbird Literary

Stefanie-Molina-2022-200x300-1.jpgStefanie Molina is an agent at Ladderbird Literary Agency. She is primarily looking for BIPOC stories across all age groups, especially urban fantasy, romcom, mysteries, and thrillers. In picture books, she loves stories that incorporate food, animals, and/or intergenerational relationships. Outside of agenting, she enjoys hiking, swimming, baking strange new things, and playing the piano. Her favorite place in the world is Yosemite National Park! You can find her on Twitter @agentstefanie.

When asked what she’s looking for in picture book submissions, Stefanie shared this:

“I only take on new clients from underrepresented communities. I’m taking on fiction and nonfiction. I love heartfelt stories about family, facing your fears, and/or finding your place in the world. I especially love brave, quirky heroines. I’m interested in humor that can be enjoyed by both kids and adults, with plenty of wittiness, wordplay, and silliness. And ANYTHING outdoorsy and/or sporty could be a fit for me especially if it features BIPOC protagonists and families. I note a lack of PBs exploring positive relationships between boys and their fathers or other male role models, and would love to see more of these. I lean toward lyrical, poetic work, or commercial work with a strong command of voice. I love universally-relatable but culturally-specific hooks. I’m also intrigued by magic and fantasy in the PB realm. I love retellings of traditional folktales from all cultures, including stories that somehow reflect the oral storytelling tradition. In nonfiction, I love anything having to do with nature or the environment, or anything that provides a new perspective on a historical or current event. Unsung heroes, women and nonbinary folk doing incredible things, BIPOC achievements, activism–these are all my jam! I love titles that take on STEM in various ways, but my heart belongs to music and the arts.

Not For Me: I am not typically a fit for rhyme off the bat, although I have enjoyed working on rhyme with established clients. I’m not typically a fit for animal protagonists in fiction, but I will give them a try! I generally prefer animals to feature in relationship to child MCs. I’m also being extremely choosy with food-centric PBs at the moment.”

Stefanie was a Featured Agent previously. You can find her previous profile post here and here. Additional resources are below:



Remember: Little GOLDen Book Members may only submit to ONE of these agents. Please choose the agent who is the best fit for you and your manuscript. Look for submission guidelines in the Submission Station on the 12 x 12 forum.

  • Submissions will only be accepted for Andrea Morrison from October 1st at 8am ET/5am PT through October 15th at 6pm EASTERN/3pm PACIFIC.
  • Submissions will only be accepted for Stefanie Molina from October 16th at 8am ET/5am PT through October 31st at 6pm EASTERN/3pm PACIFIC.


Please double-check the times for your time zone on your submissions. Anything received before or after the submissions window is open will be disqualified and you will not be able to submit again this month.

Remember, it is NEVER okay to submit your manuscript twice. Contact Kelli if there is a problem with your submission.

Good luck to our GOLD members! We look forward to your success stories


Not a 12 x 12 member yet? Join our waiting list here.

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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).