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7 Easy Ways to Support Your Fellow Authors

We are fortunate in 12 x 12 to see so many manuscripts from our members become published books! Look how our Published Page has grown. The diligent work on the craft of writing pays off over time (and sometimes it seems like a long time).

So how can we support each other as new books come out? Here are a few easy ways…and BONUS! Most of them are free!

1. Tweet about the book with the images in our Good News posts.

We’ve made it super easy for you. All you have to click where it says “Click to Tweet.” Also, follow your fellow 12 x 12 members on Twitter and retweet and comment when they post about their books and other Good News. This is the “social” part of social media. 😉

Bonus: As you follow others and they follow you, you’ll start to build your own following on social media creating relationships and connections long before your own book comes out.

2. Buy the book or give it as a gift.

Well, this one is kind of a no-brainer. Obviously, we all want our books to sell. While most of us aren’t independently wealthy and able to buy all the 12 x 12 books that are published, consider these books when you are making purchases and giving gifts.

Bonus: If you buy a 12 x 12 book from an indie bookstore, you’re not just helping a fellow author you know has worked for years on their book, you’re also supporting small business.

3. Request your local library purchase the book.

Yes, you can do this! Each library system has its own system for requesting books to be purchased. So, check with your library’s website or your librarian for their procedures. Having the library buy the book ensures many people will get to enjoy it and the publisher will see its demand in the library market. That’s what we call a win-win.

Bonus: When you talk to your local librarian(s) about books to purchase, you’re building a relationship with them. The more you build that relationship the more excited they will be for you when your book comes out. This can lead to them buying copies of your book and hosting a reading at the library among other opportunities.

4. Interview an author on your blog.

Are you a prepublished author wondering what you could possibly post on your website when you have no books available yet? Here’s an idea. Interview your fellow authors about their books. This will give you content for your blog and give the author exposure to people they may not have reached yet (your audience).

Bonus: Interviewing other authors allows you to network with them and learn from their experiences. When it’s time for your book to come out, you’ll have connections in place already to help you promote your book. Ah, we love a full circle moment in kidlit, don’t we?

5. Attend author events near you.

Look for local author events and attend! One of the biggest fears authors have is hosting a book signing and having no one show up. In the 12 x 12 forum, there’s a place for authors to list their events. Look for ones near you.

Bonus: You get to meet 12 x 12 members in person and 12 x 12 people are awesome!

6. Be a stop on a book blog tour.

And, if you can’t be a stop on a book blog tour, participate, comment, and share on social media when you see one happening.

Bonus: You might just find your new favorite blog!

7. Review the book on Amazon, GoodReads, or Barnes and Noble.

This is a biggie. Reviews help a book get a higher rank on these websites. Plus, it also helps get them featured in recommendations. Reviews go a long way to helping a book’s success, so take a few minutes to write a few words about a 12 x 12 member book. The good news? You don’t need to buy the book to write a review. You can check it out from the library and still write a review on these sites.

Bonus: GoodReads has a feature where you can embed your review on your own blog/website. That’s right. Write the review once and use it twice. Efficiency is good!

Whether you are a published 12 x 12 member or not, be sure to check out the Published Author Support section of the forum to find and list author events, watch and share book trailers, list your website as one that would host an author interview, and more! When we work together, we are unstoppable!


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Interested in Joining the 12x12 Challenge?

Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2023 – November 30, 2023 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).