Nadia Ali – How I Got My Agent

Today we are so pleased to bring you the agent story of Nadia Ali. As Nadia tells us, writing can be a lonely business. We love that Nadia’s writing blossomed when she found our 12 x 12 community! Congratulations, Nadia! We can’t wait to read your books! How long had you been writing before seeking […]
Melissa Koosmann – How I Got My Agent

Melissa Koosmann joined 12 x 12 a couple years ago and jumped in with both feet. She is currently our elf for the Reading Like Writers category on the forum where she hosts discussions on craft questions and finding picture books to answer those questions. In reading her interview below, you’ll see why she’s a […]
Liz Bedia – How I Got My Agent

Today’s How I Got My Agent post comes from Liz Bedia! Liz has some great advice for anyone in the throes of their agent search (and for those just starting). It’s advice that comes from her five year journey to become an agented writer. The great part? With two books under contract, this is just […]