Lisa Riddiough – How I Got My Agent

We are so excited to feature Lisa Riddiough in today’s How I Got My Agent post! There’s nothing we love to see more than hard work paying off and Lisa put in the hard work—10 years of it. And, she has some fantastic advice for all of you still looking for an agent. Congratulations, Lisa! […]
Lisa Katzenberger – How I Got My Agent

Congratulations, Lisa Katzenberger on signing with your agent! The thing that strikes me about Lisa’s post is the calmness. I’m sure she didn’t feel calm when she left her first agent or as her potential agent list narrowed down, but as Lisa says, “It’s really all about the writing.” Have faith in that my writer […]
Lindsay Leslie – How I Got My Agent

Today we bring you Lindsay Leslie’s agent story. Lindsay assures us that making the big move of putting yourself out there and getting out of your comfort zone is the first step in getting an agent and being successful in the chlidren’s publishing. Her story is also a good reminder that there is more than […]