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12 x 12 October 2021 Good News!

Before October ends, we’ve scared up 11 new 12 x 12 books to party with! Plus, we get to treat our members by celebrating their new agent signings, new book deals, and new awards! No tricks here. If you have good news in any of these categories, be sure to let us know by filling out the Good News form in the Important Announcements section of the 12 x 12 forum.

All of today’s good news was submitted before October 1st. If you submitted news after October 1st, it will be included in our November post. Be sure to have your good news submitted by the 1st of the month for inclusion in that month’s Good News Post.

Easy ways to help 12 x 12 members and their books:

  1. Click on the “Click to Tweet” links to share on Twitter and get the word out about these books on social media.
  2. Submit a request to your local library to carry these books.
  3. Consider purchasing these books from your local independent bookstore.  (Christmas is coming!)
  4. Write reviews on Amazon, GoodReads, and B&N. (You can review in the places even if you didn’t buy the book there!)

Your fellow authors appreciate your support!

Book Birthdays

Congratulations to Christina Dendy on the September release of THE WALL AND THE WILD (Lantana Publishing)! (Click to Tweet)Christina Dendy The Wall and the Wild

Congratulations to Anne Appert on the September release of BLOB (HarperCollins)! (Click to Tweet)Anne Appert Blob

Congratulations to Laurie Smollet Kutscera on the October 1st release of MAYA’S TREASURE (Peter Pauper Press)! (Click to Tweet)

Laurie Smollet Kutscera Mayas Treasure

Congratulations to Naomi Danis on the October release of BYE, CAR (Child’s Play International)! (Click to Tweet)Naomi Danis Bye Car

Congratulations to Shaunda Wenger on the October 1st release of CHICKEN FRANK, DINOSAUR (Albert Whitman & Co.)! (Click to Tweet)

Shaunda Wenger - Chicken Frank Dinosaur

Congratulations to Songju Daemicke on the October 1st release of TU YOUYOU’S DISCOVERY: FINDING A CURE FOR MALARIA (Albert Whitman & Co.)! (Click to Tweet)Songju Ma Daemicke Tu Youyous Discovery

Congratulations to Susan Novich on the October 1st release of HELLO, HANUKKAH! (Kar-Ben)! (Click to Tweet)

Susan Novich Hello Hanukkah

Congratulations to Laura Gehl on the October 5th release of WHO IS A SCIENTIST? from Lerner Books! (Click to Tweet)Laura Gehl What is a Scientist

Congratulations to Carolyn Scoppettone on the October 15th release of MAGGIE AND PIE AND THE PIZZA PARTY and MAGGIE AND PIE AND THE BIG BREAKFAST (Highlights Press)! (Click to Tweet)Carolyn Scoppettone Maggie and Pie

Congratulations to Angela Kunkel on the October 26th release of PENGUIN JOURNEY (Abrams Appleseed)! (Click to Tweet)Angela Kunkel Penguin Journey

Signed! Look who has an agent!

Alsion McGauley signed with Emmy Nordstrom Higdon at Westwood Creative Artists! Congrats!Alison McGauley Agent

Angela De Groot signed with Liza Fleissig at Liza Royce Agency! Awesome!Angela De Groot Agent

Christine Van Zandt signed with Liza Fleissig at Liza Royce Agency! Way to go!Christine Van Zandt Agent

Gennie Gorback signed with Mary Cummings at Great River Literary! Woohoo!Gennie Gorback Agent

Kalee Gwarjanski signed with Jennifer Herrington at Harvey Klinger Literary Agency! Huzzah!Kalee Gwarjanski Agent

Larissa Elliot signed with Charlotte Wenger at Prospect Literary Agency! Wow!Larissa Elliot Agent

Melissa Koch signed with Laurel Symonds at The Bent Agency! Fantastic!Melissa Koch Agent

Sherry Fellores signed with Miranda Paul at the Erin Murphy Literary Agency! You’re on your way!Sherry Fellores Agent

New Book Deals

Congratulations to Anna Lazowski on the sale of DARK CLOUD to Kathleen Keenan at Kids Can Press! Penny Neville-Lee will illustrate.Anna Lazowski Book Announcement

Congratulations to Caroline Perry on the sale of THE CORGI AND THE QUEEN to Laura Godwin at Godwin Books! Lydia Corry will illustrate.Caroline Perry Book Announcements

It’s a 12 x 12 two-fer! Congratulations to Mary Munson on the sale of LOVE WILL TURN YOU AROUND to Sandra Sutter at Gnome Road Publishing! Fellow 12 x 12 member Kate Talbot will illustrate!

Mary Munson Book Announcements

Congratulations to Rebecca Gardyn Levington on the sale of I WILL ALWAYS BE to Luana Kay Horry at HarperCollins! Rahele Jomepour Bell will illustrate.

Rebecca Gardyn Levington Book Announcement

Congratulations to Sharon Giltrow on the sale of LET’S GO SHOPPING, GRANDMA to Dixi Books!

Sharon Giltrow Book Announcements 1

Congratulations to Stacy S. Jensen on the sale of BEFORE I LIVED HERE to Neal Porter at Holiday House/Neal Porter Books! Victo Ngai will illustrate!

Stacy Jensen Book Announcement


Award Winners

Congratulations to Christine Van Zandt on being awarded the 2021 Sue Alexander Grant by SCBWI-LA for her nonfiction manuscript BUTTERFLY DREAMS! How exciting!
Christine Van Zandt Award


Congratulations to all our members on seeing their hard work pay off! We are so proud of you!

All of today’s good news was shared prior to October 1st. 12 x 12 members, if you have good news about a new book release, agent signing, book deal, or writing award, share it with us. Please submit your good news by November 1st to be included in our November Good News post. You can find the Good News form in the Important Announcements section of the forum.

Keep up the good work, everyone!

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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).