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12 x 12 June 2017 Check-In!

Well, I didn’t write OR revise this month (boo!), but I did take a real vacation with my kids. That sometimes happens at six months in. As Benjamin Franklin said, “Either write something worth reading or do something worth writing.” I did a lot of somethings worth writing about this month. 😉

Happy 4th of July to all our US members!

Your turn!

Tell us your progress. Did you complete a draft and/or revision in June? Let us know in the Rafflecopter and in the comments. Our prize comes from this month’s Featured Author Tim McCanna. We will have three winners! You could win a signed copy of Barnyard Boogie, Watersong, or Bitty Bot!

Bitty Bot, Watersong, Barnyard Boogie by Tim McCanna

Here is what you need to do to check in for a chance to win:

  1. See the Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post that says “A Signed Copy of BITTY BOT, WATERSONG, or BARNYARD BOOGIE at the top.
  2. Click on the “Comment on Tim’s post” button. Commenting on Tim’s post is mandatory for this giveaway and you can enter the Rafflecopter even if you didn’t write a draft this month. You can comment on the post here.  Click ENTER.
  3. Click on the “Wrote a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you completed a PB draft in June. If you did, click ENTER, if not, move on to the next step.
  4. Click on the last “Revised a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you revised a PB in June. If you did, click ENTER. If not, move on to the next step.
  5. That’s it! Rafflecopter will track your points.

You have until midnight Eastern on July 2nd to enter your results. Rafflecopter will draw a winner and it will be announced on the blog on July 3rd.

(Remember, monthly draft and revision badges are awarded separately from your Rafflecopter entry. Watch this handy tutorial to find out how to get your badges. CLICK HERE.)

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24 Responses

  1. Well, it took me a bit longer this month, with my move from KS to NY (which, I’m still enduring), but I managed to write a draft, revise a MS, watch the critique ninjas webinar, review the blog and share some thoughts, and now I’m getting to catch up on emails with CPs and my agent! Phew! Busy, but fulfilling. Once I stop to take a breath in this whirlwind adventure of life, I’m always so pleased when I can say that I really took advantage of the time and opportunities that land in front of me. And I truly love the support and enrichment I get out of our KID LIT community. Although I’ve been otherwise engaged this month, I do hope that I’m able to enhance this journey in learning and writing for some of my peers. Supporting and sharing makes me so happy! You get what you give, eh?

  2. June was busy, but I wrote a draft and revised. Thank you 12×12 and Tim for your generosity to the writing community!

  3. I’m so glad you had a break Julie! It was well-deserved. I neither wrote or revised this month (one daughter broke her foot and the other just had all her wisdom teeth out), but I did get some great research done for another nonfiction manuscript. And I am considering joining the Writer’s Room here in NYC, which is an amazing organization. It might just give me the boost I need to get to the next level. In any case, I continue to enjoy the wonderful 12×12 community. You have already saved me a few times from throwing in the towel. Happy Summer to everyone!

  4. June was ultra busy…and filled with exciting projects and good news which I will share as soon as I can. I did write a new story…and as to revision…oh my goodness…my days are filled with that. Thanks, Julie, for keeping us accountable…I think that is one of the most important factors in success in this business. 🙂

  5. June was a crazy month, starting with the wonderful NJ SCBWI 17 conference, including a 10-day vacation that culminated with the adoption of a second dog, and somehow including time to write a NEW story and make major revisions to a second manuscript. The new story sprang from a StoryStorm idea that was vetted by Ammi-Joan Paquette. Could not do what I do without the support of this amazing Kidlit community!

  6. Thank you for your insight and for your great books. I read bitty Bots and Watersong.
    I wish I had your talent.

  7. June was slow for me, but I did manage to draft and revise a few times… just wasn’t too happy with any of it. I also had a few connections with agents which haven’t quite turned into anything concrete yet… So I’ll just keep writing.

  8. June was a crazy month for me. I didn’t get my new draft written until today, but it’s done, and I revised a couple of PB manuscripts earlier this month. I’m hoping to make more time for creative work in July.

  9. June was a very productive month! I attended a writers’ retreat and managed to write 2 new manuscripts, as well as work on revisions for 2 other manuscripts. Here’s hoping July will be just as productive!

  10. The rafflecopter won’t work for me, but I revised a manuscript and commented on the blog post but did not write anything new.

    Happy July 4th holiday all!

  11. Happy 4th. I was gone during the check-in. Thought of it, but chasing a three and five year old for several days. Guess that was a vacation. I have been revising during June.

  12. Thanks for your encouraging words and great advice for all of us! And thanks for sharing your publishing

  13. Spent a week at Jekyll Island with son and grandgirls and it was wonderful! Just what I needed! And I came away with several picture book ideas! Yay!

    I’ve ben working (and reworking… and reworking) on a picture book about money. But it is not coming together. I may just have to put it aside for awhile and let my brain percolate on it.

    I also wrote a picture book about a lost dog, but I got lost in it too. That one also needs a tremendous amount of work. Sigh. So why can’t this be easy? LOL!

  14. Thank you, Tim, for sharing your experience and knowledge – The encouraging words helps fuel the passion and keep the motor running!

  15. I revised two MSS in June– one has come unexpectedly close to being truly ‘”submittable.”

    And from one of my NaPiBoWriWee efforts in May, a new draft is slowly unfolding. Doing some background reading to support it as I go. Allowing myself not to try to pin it down too soon but to take the time to follow it.

    Feel good at the year’s halfway mark.

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