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12 x 12 December 2021 Check-In!

Well, the final post of 12 x 12 in 2021 is here. It’s always bittersweet, but I’m also always astounded by how much we’ve been through and accomplished together. You all hold me up and give me purpose and joy. THANK YOU for being here this year. Once again, I did not write a new draft. What can I say? It’s been a tough month. BUT we have a shiny new 2022 ahead of us and the writing is always there, waiting for us. More than ever, I realize that this writing life is a journey, not a destination, and one that is meant to be enjoyed in each stage – even the fallow ones.

I hope I will see you all back in 2022, and I look forward to hearing how many drafts you all got written. But remember, even if you didn’t write 12, you WROTE, and that means you are a winner!

Tell us YOUR progress. Did you complete a draft and/or revision in December? Let us know in the Rafflecopter and in the comments. December Featured Author Derick Wilder is giving away a picture book critique to one lucky winner! What a great way to start the new year! Thank you, Derick!

Here is what you need to do to check in for a chance to win:

  1. See the Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post.
  2. Click on the “Comment on Derick’s post” button. Commenting on Derick’s post is mandatory for this giveaway and you can enter the Rafflecopter even if you didn’t write a draft this month. Click ENTER.
  3. If you haven’t commented on Derick’s post yet, go to the post here to comment. Then come back to this post to enter the Rafflecopter.  (Commenting won’t enter you in the drawing automatically, you have enter the Rafflecopter by following step 2.)
  4. Click on the “Wrote a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you completed a PB draft in December. If you did, click ENTER, if not, click cancel and move on to the next step.
  5. Click on the last “Revised a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you revised a PB in December. If you did, click ENTER. If not, click cancel.
  6. That’s it! There is no overall submit button or email confirmation. Rafflecopter will track your points. (The top of the Rafflecopter will say X/3 with X being the number of entries you currently have in the drawing.)

Here’s a video tutorial on the forum to walk you through these steps as well. Click here for the monthly check-in tutorial.

You have until midnight Eastern on January 5th to enter your results. Rafflecopter will draw a winner and it will be announced on the blog on January 6th.

Remember, badges are not awarded automatically and must be requested in the forum. If you haven’t requested your December 2021 badges yet, you may do so after you renew your membership and rejoin the forum in 2022.

WINNERS WALL! Today is the last day to send in your photo for the 2021 Winners Wall. If you wrote 12 new picture book drafts or more this year (not necessarily one per month), you’ve earned a place on our Winners Wall. Please send your draft total and a picture of yourself to me at by Friday, December 31.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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13 Responses

  1. Thank you for all the webinars and encouragement all year long. I can’t wait to start again and use more of the site features next year. Happy 2022.

  2. Thanks to Julie, Kelly, all the presenters, all fellow critiquers in the ms. makeover. It’s been a great ride on 12 by 12 this year.

  3. 2021 brought tough times, but I found joy in my writing and the amazing kid lit community. I revised in December, but the draft I started is on hold. Thank you, Julie and team, for another fabulous year filled with the incentives to keep going. I’m hopeful for 2022. Wishing everyone a healthful, Happy New Year.

  4. So glad I opened this email notification…because it spurred me on to read Derrick’s post…and I love his ‘Always, always, never, ever’ idea that helps him capture great story ideas. 2021 was a year of revision…although I did write one new manuscript that hopefully will go out on submission this year. And one of the manuscripts I revised (3 times for a particular editor) was just acquired by that publisher…so hurray for never giving up. Grateful to Julie and excited to continue the 12×12 journey!

    1. I agree with you about the always always, never never, Vivian. I too just opened the post. I seem to be behind and down to the wire, something to change a bit in 2022. Good luck. Sheila

  5. Happy New Year! I can’t believe we made it through 2021 already and yet it was a loooong year. I’m thrilled to have completed at least 12 drafts and many, many revisions this year — thanks for the push!!! This community is awesome, and I feel like I didn’t take as much advantage as I could have. I’ll remedy that next year. Thanks for all the support and inspiration!!!

  6. Happy New Year (and end of 12 days 4 Writers) 2022! I can’t think of a better way to begin a new writing year than the prompts, dazzling shares, and with Julie’s crackling fire and smile, to cheer us on, then those 12 days. Looking forward to 2022 12×12, and being more active. I was over-juggling, over-committed, and just getting into more revision. Now I know how what I don’t know and need to learn. And let those weird 4am ideas get written down no matter how silly. This is a great community – like the best warm socks and aromatic tea, to start/end the day with. Thanks, Julie, Kelli, and all of you. Let your dreams come first – even if they’re before dawn.

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Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).