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12 x 12 April 2022 Check-In!

Helloooo, everyone! How was April? I started working on a couple of different drafts, but didn’t finish. I didn’t revise, exactly, but I did provide extensive comments on the first round of sketches for my PB bio, so I am going to count that for this month. I also went on a TikTok tear – kind of took me by surprise, but I’m learning a lot about hooking people immediately and using visual storytelling. So while it’s not writing, it IS creative, and I’ve been having fun.

Tell us YOUR progress. Did you complete a draft and/or revision in April? Let us know in the Rafflecopter and in the comments. April Featured Author Chelsea Lin Wallace is offering a zoom critique as a prize to our April check-in winner. (Fiction only. Rhyme accepted.) Wahoo! Thanks, Chelsea!

Here’s what you need to do to check in for a chance to win:

  1. See the Rafflecopter widget at the end of this post.
  2. Click on the “Comment on Chelsea’s post” button. Commenting on Angela’s post is mandatory for this giveaway and you can enter the Rafflecopter even if you didn’t write a draft this month. Click ENTER.
  3. If you haven’t commented on Chelsea’s post yet, go to the post here to comment. Then come back to this post to enter the Rafflecopter.  (Commenting won’t enter you in the drawing automatically, you must enter the Rafflecopter by following step 2.)
  4. Click on the “Wrote a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you completed a PB draft in April. If you did, click ENTER, if not, click cancel and move on to the next step.
  5. Click on the last “Revised a PB Draft” button. This will ask if you revised a PB in April.  If you did, click ENTER. If not, click cancel.
  6. That’s it! There is no overall submit button or email confirmation. Rafflecopter will track your points. (The top of the Rafflecopter will say X/3 with X being the number of entries you currently have in the drawing.)

Here’s a video tutorial on the forum to walk you through these steps as well. Click here for the monthly check-in tutorial.

You have until midnight Eastern on May 5th to enter your results. Rafflecopter will draw a winner and it will be announced on the blog on May 6th.

Remember, badges are not awarded automatically and must be requested in the forum. If you haven’t requested your April 2022 badges yet, you may do so HERE. Not sure how to request a badge? Check out this tutorial.


a Rafflecopter giveaway

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24 Responses

  1. I did write a new, slightly crummy draft and revised usefully this month. Forging ahead. A tip of the cap to you all for being here and working.

  2. April was quick, but I got in a revision (which I sent to an agent). YEAH! I also finished a new draft yesterday. It’s not so pretty, but the webinar with Margaret Chiu Greanias bought light to ideas to fix it. So I might have my revision for May. Another YEAH! Thanks for all these opportunities to keep us writing, thinking, and pushing.

  3. I just snuck in with a draft and revision! Luckily I’d completed enough research to finish my draft by the end of the month, and now onto May where I’m hoping I’ll get a draft out earlier!

  4. I revised my SUNDOG draft as I illustrated through Mark Mitchell’s Marks and Splashes Course. I’ve completed seven double page spreads and 1/2 of a finished watercolor. In looking at my illustrations and fitting in text, I was able to cut many extraneous words. Very exciting all around.

  5. I did a scansion on my Kite story in April.
    My first story, Gone Fishing, didn’t work out as planned. I did come away with a new idea for this story about the Easter Bunny.
    I’m researching a few facts before I revise it.

  6. Wrote multiple drafts and revised, revised, revised! It is great to have this challenge that keeps me pumping out new manuscripts! And this prize is awesome! Thanks Chelsea 🙂

  7. I wrote a draft of my introduction to Birds, and did more research to support story development. I also made revisions to Dogs and Cats, and Down by the Pond.

  8. I have really appreciated all the feed back on Hello up There! I have revised it, then submitted it to my critique group and will revise again. and probably many more times. Thanks for the structure.

  9. I got an entirely new draft done this month! It’s a true story I discovered while researching another project last month. I made it a goal to get a complete draft done, no matter how rough. It always feels good to get that first attempt completed!

  10. Goodness, what a boon to check in. April was productive in reflection: Revised draft, revisions to critique groups, sold a clip, sent mss to agents, and publishers received rejection letters and researched for May draft. Oh, but mostly – posted here! I usually shy very far away from social media and comments. So, thank you for pushing me forward.

  11. I had a very productive month with great forward momentum on several projects — both revisions and new draft(s). I got one new draft typed out and another 1, maybe 2, handwritten in my trusty notebook. Now I’m tired though.

  12. April was busy, but I wrote a new draft and did lots of revision. May is here and I’m scrambling.

  13. Hi all, my April check in, a bit late. In April I completed a revision/submission of a long PB (and sent to an editor who requested it at a conference). I did some writing on a new project, and on one revision. Most of my focus has been on catching up on craft, crit groups, great webinars, reading, revising. New stuff is on back burner. thanks to Kelli, able to post today – though couldn’t get on the usual way. good luck, all! Sheila

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All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).