Do You Want to Write 12 Picture Books in 12 Months? | Learn More!


2025 Registration Opens January 9th!

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Don’t miss another year of 12 x 12! Sign up for updates and get our free webinar
on what makes a great read-aloud from longtime librarian and podcaster, Matthew C. Winner.

Don't Miss Another Year of 12 x 12!

Sign up for updates and be notified as soon as registration opens in January. 
Plus, get a FREE webinar about what makes a great read-aloud from children’s librarian and podcaster, Matthew C. Winner.

2024 Registration closes February 29th!

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Join the 12x12 Challenge!

As a member of 12 x 12, you’ll get the motivation and accountability you need to write and revise more picture books each year. No matter what your experience level – brand new writer to multi-published author and everything in between – you will learn, grow, and advance your career. And because 12 x 12 is a ‘creators-only’ community, you can feel free to ask any question and submit your work for feedback without fear that people in positions of power in publishing might see them. All while enjoying the fellowship and support of the friendliest writing community on earth.

Shel Silverstein Membership

Shel SILVERstein Includes:


(30-day money back guarantee)

Little Golden Book Membership

Little GOLDen Book Includes:


(No refunds. All sales final.)

GOLD spots filled for 2024.

*Not a guarantee of agent feedback.

Benefits of Joining

Besides motivating you to write more and build your body of work, the myriad benefits of 12 x 12 include a Membership Forum with vast resources and the ability to get feedback on your work, monthly webinars, a private community Facebook group and MUCH more.
Membership Forum
Our password-protected, members-only Forum is the place to learn about all things picture books AND to get feedback on your own work. MANY books that were workshopped in the Forum went on to be published! You can also get queries and pitches critiqued, and if you are an illustrator, get feedback on individual illustrations or even full dummies. In the Forum, you can find critique partners, learn about the myriad types of picture books, participate in our member book club, and much, much more. Each section of the Forum is led by dedicated “Elves” who make sure questions are answered in a timely manner.
Monthly Webinars
The 12 x 12 webinar program is unparalleled in the industry. Every month we feature an expert speaker who will instruct on some aspect of the art, craft, or business of writing, illustrating, and/or marketing & promoting picture books. Where many industry webinars are generalized to children’s publishing as a whole, 12 x 12 webinars are laser-focused on picture books. That enables us to go deep into every topic and ensure they’re relevant for picture book creators.
Professional Critiques
As a member of 12 x 12, you will get one professional critique each year from one of our Critique Ninjas. Ninjas are all professional, agented, published authors with many years of experience critiquing manuscripts. But even better, manuscripts critiqued by Ninjas remain in the Forum. That means you can study all of the Ninja critiques, in addition to your own. Members say reading the Ninja critiques is the equivalent of a master class in picture book writing.
Private Facebook Group
It is not an exaggeration to say that if you post a question in the 12 x 12 member Facebook Group (ANY question), you will have input and answers within minutes. Whether your question pertains to submissions, mentor text or comp title ideas, “hive mind” help on words or phrasing, or marketing & promotion, the 12 x 12 community has your back. Founder Julie Hedlund spends time in the group every day, answering questions and providing support. The community comes together here, and is available 24×7.
Book Group
Moderated by author Michelle Cusolito, 12 x 12 members have the chance to read, study, and discuss several books per year alongside fellow members. The group selects books related to the art, craft, and/or business of writing & illustrating.
Published Author Support & Promotion
Imagine, as a published author, adding 2,000+ engaged fans and followers in a day. That is what happens when you join 12 x 12. Whether you are about to release your debut picture book or your twentieth, 12 x 12 supports and celebrates you via our thriving social media channels and our blog. Your books will be included in our Bookshop in multiple categories. Published authors can seek reviews from fellow members, share their upcoming events, and ask for amplification of their own social media promotions. Plus, you have the opportunity to network with and seek advice from other published author members.
Commitment to Diversity
In 12 x 12, Diversity is not just something we talk about. It’s who we are. Our mission is to provide a safe and welcoming creative space for all writers to find their voices, master their craft, and launch their stories into the world. We elevate diverse voices in our planning, programming, and outreach activities, and continuously look for ways to improve in all areas.
We Celebrate YOU!
Think 12 x 12 celebrations are only for published authors? Think again! We celebrate every small step our members make toward achieving their goals. From the Friday Dance Parties to the annual Winner’s Wall, everyone gets a chance to play a starring role. On our social media channels, we shout-out members who win awards and grants, sign with agents, and secure book deals. Every day, every member is worthy of celebration for getting up and doing the work of creating picture books.

Our community is the beating heart of 12 x 12 and what distinguishes us from other writing groups. We’re more than colleagues – we’re friends and family. We are the people who “get you” and understand, deeply and reverently, what goes into creating and publishing picture books for children. In fact, community is so crucial to 12 x 12, we created a whole page to tell you more about it!

Learn More About The 12×12 Community

For Creators Only

We know it can be intimidating to ask questions, post draft work for feedback, and share publishing knowledge when agents or editors are present. That’s why 12 x 12 is a creators-only community. We can commiserate and be candid without fear of repercussions in our careers.

If you’re an agent or editor interested in working with 12 x 12, please contact us.

What Our
Members Say

We don’t want you to take our word for how 12 x 12 helps authors & illustrators. Watch this video to hear from some of the members themselves about the difference 12 x 12 has made in their careers.

Benefits by Writing Stage

Still not sure if 12 x 12 is right for you? In addition to the above benefits, find more that are specific to your current stage of writing/illustrating.
Brand New Writer/Illustrator

You have come to the right place to shave years off your learning curve! Our Founder, Julie Hedlund and all the seasoned members of 12 x 12 love to help new writers. You can ask any question without fear of it being considered too basic. In addition, we have the following resources available:

  • An entire section of the Membership Forum dedicated to new writers, with pinned posts addressing common questions, as well as a place where you can ask your other questions.
  • An area of the Forum dedicated to specific genres of picture books (fiction, nonfiction, rhyming, etc.). Here you’ll find tips for writing these types of books as well as resources and reading lists.
  • Find critique partners. Some of the longest-running and most successful critique groups were formed in 12 x 12. Every year, new writers connect to each other via the Forum or Facebook group to exchange manuscripts and provide critiques.
  • WRITING! It may seem obvious, but by joining 12 x 12, you are committing to doing the one thing that will advance your craft the most – writing consistently and building a body of work. X % of members say they write more than they would if they were not members.
Intermediate/Polishing/Revising Writer

Now that you know the basics, you’re ready to dig in deeper and hone your skills by getting more feedback on YOUR work. To do that, you’ll benefit from:

  • A series of videos and instructions on how to give great critiques and receive feedback. (Insider tip: one of the best ways to improve your own writing is by critiquing others’.)
  • The Manuscript Makeover section, where you can post your stories and get feedback from fellow members.
  • A professional critique from one of our Critique Ninjas (professional, published, agented authors).
  • The Art Notation Station. By now you’re probably using more art notes in your picture books, and you can get input on whether you are using them effectively in this section of the Forum.
Ready to Submit/Actively Submitting

You now have an impressive body of work (because you’ve been writing and revising regularly!), and you are ready to submit your polished manuscripts to agents and editors. You’ll find many resources in 12 x 12 to support you, including:

  • The opportunity to enter the lottery for a Little Golden Book membership (after one year of membership), where you’ll get above-the-slush pile opportunities to submit to agents.
  • Featured Agent posts on our blog. Even as a Silver member, you get access to our monthly profiles of 12 x 12 featured agents, which is extremely helpful as you build your submission list.
  • Agent and editor webinars. At least once per year, we host an agent who provides insight into successful picture book submissions. You’ll also get discounts on previous 12 x 12 agent/editor webinars.
  • The Query Corner and Pitch Practice sections of the Forum, where you can get feedback on your own queries and pitches, learn about the components of successful queries and pitches, and get information about special submission opportunities.
Newly Agented/First Book Deal

You’ve signed with an agent and/or gotten your first book deal! As you navigate this exciting new phase of your career, 12 x 12 can help you by:

  • Celebrating you! You’ll be featured on our blog in our monthly Good News posts, AND you’ll get a “How I Got My Agent” feature on the blog and on our social media channels.
  • Giving you a place to ask all your questions. The 12 x 12 membership includes many agented and multi-published members who are happy to share their experiences in our private Facebook group. Whether it’s questions about contracts or communication protocols with your agent, 12 x 12 members are there to help!
Debut Author/Illustrator

Congratulations! Your first picture book is coming soon. While this is a special and exciting time, it can also be confusing and a little bit scary. Never fear! Many 12 x 12 members have been there and are willing to share what worked for them. You’ll also be able to take advantage of these additional benefits:

  • From the time your book is available for pre-order, it can go on our Bookshop page in all the relevant categories.
  • You’ll receive a special celebratory shout-out on your book birthday – both on Twitter and Instagram. In addition, your book will be featured in our Good News post that month.
  • Ask any and all questions you have about your debut year and activities in our Facebook group. 
  • Marketing, Platform, and Promotion webinars. We host one each year, and also get discounts on previous 12 x 12 marketing webinars.
  • An entire Published Author Support section in the Membership Forum, where you can request reviews and ask members to request your book at their libraries. You can also post your cover reveals and book trailers, share marketing & promotion resources and ideas, and connect with member bloggers who feature picture book authors & illustrators.
  • Published authors are eligible for consideration to be one of our monthly Book Chat guests, and most of them do feature debut authors.* 
  • Published authors are eligible to be a Featured Author on the 12 x 12 blog.**


*eligibility is not a guarantee of a spot as a Book Chat guest.


**eligibility is not a guarantee of a Featured Author spot.

Multi-Published Author/Illustrator
As you continue to publish, 12 x 12 continues to support and promote you, as well as contribute to your continued growth by providing depth in our webinar program and published author support. Multi-Published authors & illustrators receive all the benefits of Debut Authors, AND are eligible for consideration to be a webinar guest (paid honorarium + royalties).***

***eligibility is not a guarantee of a Webinar Guest spot.

Diverse Writers/Illustrators

If you are a diverse author and/or illustrator, 12 x 12 is committed to your success and safety as a writer. Our active Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee continuously evaluates how we can improve our resources and services for diverse members. Here are the unique opportunities available:

  • We have several Affinity Groups in the Membership Forum, led by members of the DEI committee, where folks who self-identify with that group can share their personal experiences with the craft and business of writing & illustrating picture books, including issues that impact those creators specifically. 
  • Bookshop lists featuring books from our diverse members, including distinct lists that feature books during heritage and history months. These are shared across our social media channels.
  • 12 x 12 is global, with members that speak a multitude of languages! Our Bilingual/Multilingual section of the Forum provides a space to ask questions about language mixing and language use and post manuscripts for feedback written in languages other than English. 
  • Our scholarship program provides 12 x 12 tuition for diverse picture book creators each year
  • The Membership Forum includes a section on Allyship where members can come to ask questions about being an ally and supporting diverse authors. The intent is to both educate our membership while preventing our diverse members from doing the emotional and intellectual labor of answering these questions.

Don’t think 12 x 12 can’t support you if you’re an illustrator! We have special resources just for you, including:

  • The Illustration Station section of the Membership Forum, where you can post illustrations and/or dummies for feedback, connect and network with fellow illustrators, and ask questions/raise topics for discussion.
  • Participation in 12 x 12 illustration challenges via social media.

*eligibility is not a guarantee of a spot as a Book Chat guest. **eligibility is not a guarantee of a Featured Author spot. ***eligibility is not a guarantee of a Webinar Guest spot.

12x12 Scholarships

Thanks to the generous support of the 12 x 12 community, the 12 x 12 Picture Book Writing Challenge offers scholarships to qualified picture book writers to cover membership tuition. 12×12 scholarship program offers aid for individuals with financial challenges or those from diverse backgrounds.

Stay in the Loop

Subscribe to our Newsletter and receive a free webinar, stay up to date on 12 x 12 events – including registration – and get access to discounts and special offers

Registration is Closed

Don’t miss another year of 12 x 12! Sign up for our newsletter to be notified about future registration dates. You’ll get a free webinar, information on 12 x 12 events, and access to discounts and special offers.

Financial Need Scholarship Guidelines

All applications will be accepted via email only between November 1, 2024 – November 30, 2024 at

Subject line of the email:

  1. 12 x 12 Financial Need Scholarship

Please include the following in the body of the email:

  1. An autobiographical statement and career summary in 250 words or fewer.
  2. A short statement describing the nature of the financial need/circumstances in 250 words or fewer.
  3. A sample query letter for the manuscript you are submitting with your application.
  4. Pitches for two additional completed picture books.

 Attached to the email:

  1.  The full text of one picture book manuscript, attached as a Word document named as FIN_YourFirstName_YourLastName_Title_of_Manuscript.doc (or docx).